Welcome readers, new and old! Sorry for the broken links yesterday as we were beginning our transition to Saverocity. In fact, Matt and I targeted for Sunday to go live, but found today, January 9, was a better fit.
I’d like to introduce you to why I joined the Saverocity network – in late July Matt floated the idea of joining and at that time, I was not sure what I wanted to do which were should I pull the plug on the blog or continue?
I blogged independently for the rest of 2013. By the time Matt and I reconnected, my buddy Nick @ PF Digest joined Saverocity and he mentioned one of the things that hit home to me, but I didn’t realize it at the time. Blogging with Saverocity frees you to continue to do what you love without spending extra time on other areas like website development. I was experiencing technical challenges in different areas between site reliability, WordPress, and PHP to name a few. Now, I can really focus on “chasing the points.”
So what is the goal of Chasing The Points?
After stumbling across a thread in Slick Deals where they advised to max out the Chase Freedom 5% in Amazon buying gift certificates, the website was born from a desire to earn more credit card points. Wheels began to turn and I read as much as I could on all types of manufactured spend to earn as much cash back as possible. I don’t remember how I found Flyertalk, but I wound up spending hours upon hours every day reading about redeeming points for travel and that is where my current goal is: finding ways to cheaply earn points or make money out of the process without signing up for too many credit cards.
At the same time in the quest to satiate my appetite, I found Frequent Miler‘s blog and fell in love with everything that he did and does. His website inspired me to challenge myself to find the unique opportunities presented on Chasing The Points.
As a plug to myself — I was the anonymous tipster of the lowered credit card spend in 2012 for the Chase Ink cards.
Welcome aboard! We’re glad you’re joining.
Congratulations CTP!
And, thanks again for that Ink tip 🙂
Thanks FM!