In my post called Gift Card Churning – Rejection and Gift Card Churning – Rejection – Part 2, where Cardpool and ABC Gift Cards, respectively, would not buy $200 of gift cards from me.
Both indicated they were “unable to process.” It occurred to me that because the card was loaded recently, the attempt to be sold triggered off alarms to them not to buy it to protect against fraud. Why? Because of the online capabilities with this particular vendor. Other transactions where I would purchase the card and mail it in immediately they would accept without hassle.
I tried again selling to Cardpool, and they did not accept. I sent in a two week old $50 card and they paid me. Hoping that was the threshold, I sent in $300 worth and they would not accept.
I can state with confidence that no one wants to buy these cards because of the high risk associated with the online transfers. Once I sell these cards, I will never buy them to gift card churn.