
Cost of Chasing The Points

Since I’m still sort of new to really begin manufacturing spend, I went through my credit card statements and created a spreadsheet of how much I am paying per point through gift card churning. This does not include points generated from Vanilla Reload or any of the debit cards that can be loaded with credit.

As of today, I am paying 1.07 cents per UR point. I will need to think of ways to lower it. Currently, I am over 1 cent per UR point because I am trying out different things to report back which is causing my average cost basis to be higher than I want it to be. One way to lower it is to resell products at a small loss for the points. However, at this moment, I have no inclination of buying product and reselling, but I have seen some of results of quick and plentiful hauls.

My top reasons for not wanting to resell:

  • Inventory and its associated costs like: space, shipping, time out to package the item, etc
  • Customer returns/claims (probably the biggest headache that I can foresee)
  • Waiting for the product to be sold
I would rather buy a gift card wait for it to arrive in the mail and flip it. I have had success where I am paid for selling the gift card before the statement even closes. That being said, while I do not suggest it, if you wanted to stretch yourself you could certainly buy some gift cards then sell immediately and receive payment.

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