
Why Did I Start Blogging?

It has been a month since I started writing and I think I owe it to you, the readers, why I decided to blog.

My day job provided me a unique opportunity as Business Analyst where I have learned best practices to analytically think and explain in layman’s terms how the deals work out. There are various blogs out there that are phenomenal in travel deals/award sites. I will defer to them as they have an incredible experience and knowledge in those areas.

Even among all of the blogs out there, they all cater to different interest groups. Some are all about app o rama/’churning’ credit cards, the art of applying and then closing cards for the sign up bonus. This sparked an idea to me that “wow, I can travel cheap or free.” I always had an interest in credit card points and figuring ways to amass them, but what I didn’t know was the points could be transferred to a partner airline for great travel deals.

My goal for you is to find the best credit card for your rewards, whether it is short term or long term. I want to help you find out great ways to earn credit card points, so that whatever you decide, cash back or travel, the options are open and available. In order for me to do that, it takes research and time on my part like waiting for Ultimate Rewards Mall to post the bonus points!

I also find that because interest rates are so historically low, that earning these points are easier, faster, and as a percentage, higher than what I can earn in the bank.

With all of that being said, I tried to post content nearly every day. I will still write on a regular basis, but not daily. I want to provide you thoughtful, insightful, and detailed posts so that you can understand and gain the same knowledge to become successful in Chasing The Points.

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