Tons of Opportunity, and a Chance to do Good

In this community, I often see things that stop me in my tracks. Strangers helping others, things like sharing insight to make travel easier or more enjoyable, or guesting folks into lounges. It often costs nothing, but can make a world of difference for many. So it occurred to me that, with all the deals…

Launching a new generation of weather information

This past weekend, I had the chance to attend the launch of the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite – R (GOES-R) weather satellite. A bit of a Background on GOES-R:GOES-R is the 1st satellite in the next generation of NOAA’s weather satellites, it is the instruments onboard, which provide data from lightning strikes all the way to…

How Can I Help?

Every so often, I see Gary Leff put out a post offering to answer travel questions. Its an excellent idea, and over the past couple of weeks, as I’ve been working on guides (like the Primer on National Rental Car), that will be posted in the semi-near future, I thought it would be valuable to…

National Rental Car

Primer – National Rental Car Elite Status

National Rental Car has been my rental car company of choice for the past few years. I started renting with National Rental Car, when my company gave me Emerald Club status, and have stuck with them since. Of course I later learned that Emerald Club status is pretty easy to get.That said, National has some great benefits…

The Impact of Hubs on the 10 Best Airports For Holiday Travel

NerdWallet released a study on the 10 best airports for holiday travel yesterday, and it presents an interesting insight. First, about the methodologyThe Nerdwallet team analyzed US Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS), for November and December of 2013-2015 of the top 50 airports. From this, they then added in Yelp reviews for restaurant quality. As far…

Five Things to do in Sydney, Sydney, Super Bowl LII

Five Things To Do in Sydney

Australia is one of my favorite countries in the world to travel to. Sydney, as the most popular city, is often the city most folks go to for their first experience of Australia. Taking that into account, I thought it would be helpful to share my top five things to do in Sydney. If you…


Review: Park Hyatt Sydney

This is a long overdue post, as it was just about a year ago, that my wife and spent our anniversary at the one and only Park Hyatt Sydney.The Park Hyatt Sydney, nested below the Sydney Harbor Bridge, is one of the top Hyatt hotels, as a Category 7. We spent two nights here, utilizing…

Attention Airlines and Hotels: Loyalty is a two-way street

The first frequent flyer program, American Airlines AAdvantage program was launched in May of 1981. The first hotel loyalty program was Holiday Inn, in February 1983, Marriott established their program in November of 1983. At that time, I would imagine that both Airlines and Hotels believed that Loyalty is a two-way street. While I’m a…

Non Sequitur – Inspiration to be better

I had a fun tweet last night to my friend Freequent Flyer, who offered me inspiration to be better in his post on Thursday. In reality, he offered that inspiration via Twitter:And that got me to thinking. We are in the best time of the year. College Football Season! But, we’ve been a few years…