You’ll never believe what Staples’ costliest product is!

I’m sure you’ve heard of expensive Christmas Presents or trips, like a week on Necker Island, or Neiman Marcus’ 2016 Fantasy Gifts, and lest we forget the Thousand Mile Secrets Amazon Holiday Shopping Guide! Well, if none of those are to your fancy, then perhaps Staples’ Costliest Product could be!Courtesy of Slickdeals, Staples’ costliest product is–you…

The Secret to United’s New Award Search Tool

If you’ve attempted to work with United’s New Award Search Tool, you know how much of a pain it is.Perhaps the most prevalent screen is this:Now, some in the software industry would call this a feature. I would call this one of my most vexing customer experiences. What causes the issue with United’s New Award Search Tool?The…

You never know if you don't ask

You never know, if you don’t ask

A few of weeks ago, I flew out to Taipei for the weekend. Flying home, my wife and I were on Cathay Pacific, however my wife was in First Class, and I was in Business Class. First world problems, for sure. I had been looking for space via the British Airways Award search tool to…

Cyber Monday - Staples

As you prepare for Cyber Monday

Cyber Monday is almost upon us. No doubt that you have already done a bunch of shopping online. In fact, many people do the majority of their shopping online. But did you know, that by adding a few simple steps, you can get more bang for your buck, whether it is more points (my preference)…