True Deal Mommy Confession: I tag-teamed a DYKWIA on a ten year old.I’m not proud of this story and I probably should explain. On a week long cruise, especially on a boat of only 500 people, we were bound to come…
Fathom Cruise: My First Impressions in Two Photos
We’re less than two hours than shore and I can already tell you that the Fathom Cruise experience is different. Well, I could tell you, but I’m gonna show you instead.At the sail away pool party the staff mentioned that…
How Vietnam Made Deal Kid Smarter Than Donald Trump
I always wonder how much of our travel “sticks” and although our trip to Vietnam was memorable I certainly didn’t think it would shape Deal Kid’s worldview as much as it has. So I was happily surprised when a recent conversation revealed that…
If The Hobby Leaves You Jaded, Do This
I’m writing this post at the indoor pool of the Hyatt Chesapeake watching Deal Girl and her BFF float on a raft while playing a game of their own invention. Spending the last 24 hours with a 9 year old…