I. If you buy something through a link on this site, I may earn a commission.
Also, Amazon would like me to put this here:
Mile Writer is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com.
II. I am not a doctor, lawyer, or certified finance professional.
All content on Mile Writer is for informational or entertainment purposes only. Please do not sue me for interpreting any of my posts as medical, legal, financial, or any other type of professional advice.
III. Plagiarism is bad.
I reserve full copyright over all original site content. That being said, feel free to link or quote away. Just don’t copy without attribution, because that wouldn’t be fun for anyone.
IV. I like to use pictures, but I don’t like to take them as much.
When using images not taken by me personally, I try to stick with pictures under a commercial Creative Commons license and give proper credit by hyperlink to the source. If I have inadvertently used an image for which you hold a full, non-transferable copyright, please contact me so I can take it down immediately. However, I reserve the right to use any copyrighted material for fair use.
V. I will occasionally answer Contact submissions publicly, unless specifically requested to maintain privacy.
I retain full ownership and rights to use, distribute, or publish any original blog post comments or Ask & Comment submissions. For example, if someone asks me a question that I think might be useful to answer via a public blog post, I’ll reference the question in the post. Such uses of comments and submissions will be distributed and published anonymously at my sole discretion.
VI. Check out the blogs I follow and Flyertalk.
Though most of site content is from my own personal experience and knowledge, a lot of what I learned comes from fellow bloggers and Flyertalk. I’m grateful to be a part of this ongoing collaboration, and I encourage you to read some of the blogs I mention or scroll through Flyertalk’s forums when you have a chance.