Introduce yourself here!


Level 2 Member
Yet another NYCer here, no wonder VRs used to disappear so fast at our lost paradise!;) OTOH, seems like an NYC MS DO is a slam dunk idea...

Oops, as with others, Level 2 is of much interest, let me know what that involves when you have a minute!


Level 2 Member
Hey guys, I'm Carlo from Brooklyn. Glad to see a community of NYC-based miles and points aficionados. @Matt How exactly does one get to level 2?


Level 2 Member
Hi, I'm Austin from Salt Lake. Was able to sign up for the #westcoastDO and am excited in getting involved in the forums.


Level 2 Member
I'm Christine and I have been in the financial services industry for decades but my true passion is travel. I travel on the weekends with no destination in mind and love to score that cheap fare. I have top status with all three airlines which is a challenge living in Northern Michigan. This may be the last year of that! Looking forward to contributing and learning.

Eli Mongeon

Level 2 Member
Hello, my name is Eli Mongeon, located in Salt Lake City, UT. Started collecting points/miles about 2 years ago and now its my favorite hobby. Looking forward to collecting more miles and interacting with fellow enthusiasts on tips and tricks.

Let me know about Level 2 when you get a chance.


Level 2 Member
I live in Plymouth, IN. A VERY small town in Northern Indiana, which can be a very good thing when it comes to MS activity! It is about 40 minutes south of Notre Dame, usually people have at least HEARD of them, lol!


Level 2 Member
Hey guys! Although I'm a recent college graduate and although I've been collecting miles for about 4 years now, it wasn't until recently I realized the potential in this hobby. I remember signing up for the Chase BA card after about 3 years ago and being excited with all of those amazing Avios I'd been awarded... I promptly proceeded to use them on a flight to Europe through London, thus ensuring that I would pay hefty fuel charges and taxes, but was nevertheless stoked that I'd saved about $150 haha.... Anyway, I've wised up since then and gotten much better in my collection and use of miles. I've been to over 30 countries and am looking forward to exploring more with the knowledge acquired here. Speaking of which... I'd love admission to the 2nd tier forum Matt.

James from BNA

VR Jacket Guy
Hey Matt, James here, VR Jacket Guy from Charlotte. BNA based and just signed up for the PHX event and really looking forward to it. Would love to join the Level 2 discussion.


Level 2 Member
Hi All- I'm Blake from Chicago. I love to travel and am always in search of my next great trip (when I can cut away from work). I'm constantly trying to learn how to make travel affordable for myself and am happy to find what sounds like a low-key community open to learning and sharing new ideas.
Like others, I'd love to have the opportunity to join in the level 2 discussion.


Level 2 Member
Hello everyone. Gooselator here. From Cincinnati so CVG tethered. Have only been aware for two years since meeting a like mind in Turkey who turned me on. A revelation! So this hobby/lifestyle is consuming more and more of conscious hours since. My wife still thinks I'm semi crazy and I don't even bother discussing with my friends anymore as as I come across as unhinged. Very interested in MS, earning, burning and whatever the heck Level 2 is.


Level 2 Member
Greetings. I am a Bay Area frequent flyer nerd who got my start when the programs were officially starting (ahem back in 1981). I have lifetime elite status with several programs and am looking forward to learning and sharing on this site.


New Member
I am addicted to miles and points. It is safe to say I dream about them. I would like to find out about level 2


Level 2 Member
I have been doing some minor MS for a couple of years and found this site to be an interesting place to share ideas.


Level 2 Member
Hi, my name is Matt and I am a pointsaholic, I can't live without pointsahol. I would like to start contributing to Level 2 threads!

Trips With Tykes

Level 2 Member
Hi! I'm Leslie. I've been doing the miles and points thing for about 3-4 years, although at would I'd call an intermediate level. As in: enough to make my friends and family think I'm a little crazy and obsessed but not actually being as crazy and obsessed as the FlyerTalk and blogger folks. ;-) I also blog about traveling with kids (although not the miles and points aspect of it). Glad to be here. Been a reader for about a month and Saverocity rocks.


Level 2 Member
Hey All
David from michigan, New to MS looking forward to learning more. Interested in level 2. Thanks Matt for a nice forum,


Level 2 Member
Hello all!

I am a graduate student who became hooked to travel after a semester in Rome. I came home, started Googling about the cheapest way to get back on a plane, and found out about miles! Based out of BOS. LH F fanboy.


Level 2 Member
Hello! My name is Mike, and love to travel and saving money. My wife and I are excited for our first big hack, we took advantage of the fare glitch on the JFK-MXP-BUD-AMS-NRT all in for $233 each. Hotels all booked with Club Carlson (BUD) love the 2nd night free, and Priority Club (MXP) We are using UA miles for Business Class on Air Canada HND-YYZ-MCO to get home to MCO. Waiting a few months to apply for the Hyatt Visa (and of course requesting the Diamond Challenge) in a few months for 5 nights at the Tokyo Park Hyatt. Need some help with MS now as the vanilla is gone, and we are burning a few points on this trip. Very interested in Level 2. Thanks.


Level 2 Member
Hi! I'm Sherry and live in Raleigh. I've been in the miles and points game in an average sort of way for about ten years. Six months ago I made a serious commitment to the MS and cc bonuses world. I'm well up to speed on tracking costs per MS mile and have a good handle on matching the supply and demand sides of the equation. I'm interested in learning more techniques for MSing and increasing my monthly MS. Happy to be here and look forward to adding value.


Level 2 Member
Hi, I'm Eric from CLT, I've also been in the points and miles game for about 10 years. Working on ramping up my MS'ing since attending the Charlotte DO in May. Interested in participating in the Level 2 Forum and being a good steward of MS. Love playing this game and have traveled to South America (Chile and Easter Island on LAN) (Bali on CX) (Ireland on EI) and (Tahiti on TN). Definitely love this Hobby!


Level 2 Member
Hi Y'all! I'm Amy from Dallas, TX. I'm fairly new to learning the game but definitely not new to travel! Once you get to experience the sweet life on planes, it's hard to go back! I'm a huge fan of Saverocity and looking forward to sharing and learning all that I can.


Level 2 Member
Hi. I'm a big fan of collecting miles and points and would like to know more about Level 2 as I live in NYC and it's extremely challenging here. Thank you. Shawn


Level 2 Member
Hello I'm Andy and a huge fan of Points and Miles. I'm based in Durham, NC and would love to know more about level 2 and MS in general. I'm excited to be a member of this forum.


Level 2 Member
Hi, my name is Mike. I live in PA and got into the miles and points game around July 2012. First focus was the SW CP which was achieved around Oct 2012. Then moved on to collecting URs. Earned enough to fly my wife and I on the upper deck of the LH 747-800 for our anniversary last year and tour Paris for a few days. Hotel was obviously the Park Hyatt Vendome on a diamond trial. I've recently (last 7 months or so) focused my attention on MS and cashback cards. I'm hoping to get into a bit reselling in the near future.


New Member
Hi, Henry here from NYC....Trying to get in on MS a little bit more then I currently am, so gathering as much information as I can. Looking to forward to learning about Level 2.


Ted Churner

Level 2 Member
Hey all, I like to MS and churn. On any given day, you can find me at various Walmarts and grocery stores. It's not a hobby, it's an obsession. I'm ready for Level 3!


Level 2 Member
Hi All. I'm Mark. I've been doing this hobby on and half since the late 1990s but have really picked up speed with MSing about two years ago. Do both pts and cash. Friends with some of the Boston crew. Looking forward to meeting many of you in PHX!


Level 2 Member
Hi all, I'm Sario from Italy.
I would be interested in the second level hoping to contribute as soon as possible


Level 2 Member
Hi, I'm interested in sharing thoughts with similar mile addicts. And would like to be admitted to level 2. thanks


Level 2 Member
Hey gang, I'm Randy....feel like I belong introducing myself quietly at an AA meeting for my addiction to this game. Until now I've been pretty quiet around the Flyertalk community and haven't contributed much but read a great deal for a couple years now. After reading MarathonMan's bit about being a good steward of the game, I think it's time to become more active and contribute what I can. So here we go....


Level 2 Member
Hi, as the name implies, I am from the New York area. Interested in learning more about specifics related to the New York metro area (as it seems to be a bit different than other parts of the US). Would like to know more about this mysterious Level 2 access.