Introduce yourself here!

El Turk

Level 14 Insurance Salesman
Hi Everyone,

Looks like I'll be adding to the plethora of Mike's around here, though I figured it'd be easier to go by Turk. I have a decent amount of experience in the game (considering I'm under 30) and a wide array of cards and spending habits. Looking forward to joining the fun. I live in NYC (Manhattan).

david zhang

Level 2 Member
hello everyone. im dave and i'm in new york. been doing travel hacking for a while now and still have a lot to learn. Also would like to know more about the second level and learning more from all the seasoned pros.


Level 2 Member
Charity Forum Mod
Hi. I am near LAS. A member of the Armed Forces and trying to learn a thing or two while also trying my own ideas. Looking forward to these forums, and Level 2 access.


Level 2 Member
Hey all, I am a pilot that loves travel, my dogs, and my family. MS, CC churning, and the points game in general is my hobby. I hope to learn a lot and provide some feedback/new opportunities while I am here!


Hi, I'm Allan. I enjoy long walks on the beach, mai tai's and... Oh, this isn't the dating forum?? Joking.
I'm Allan. I'm 26 and live in NYC on UES. Been married for 3.5 years and love maximizing every deal so that we can travel. We strive to be away at least once a month and have been successful for it since starting this game. I'm not crazy, just enjoying traveling.
Lastly, I realized recently that this game doesn't make travel free, rather less expensive. Getting business for economy price. So being on top of your finances is imperative.


Level 2 Member
Brian here based in the fun and expensive (for flying) CVG area. Uh, what else, I'm 38, an engineer, and my current goal is to run a half marathon in every state and I have done 17 or 18 so far. Which means I am always open to new ways to get points/miles/money/better flights. I'm not afraid to try some things and I have a pretty good handle on what I can spend and afford. I will never be a power player in the MS game. Would love level 2 access since all tweets and messages refer to that content.


Level 2 Member
Hi, I'm Meghann from the beautiful Hudson Valley in NY. Naturally I love to travel and wanted to learn how to do it for as little $ as possible. When I began learning about 2 years ago, I was lured in by the the circles and arrows blogs. Thankfully, I have since discovered this and other more reputable sources of honest information. I have begun to dabble in MS and would love to learn more.


Level 2 Member
Hi all, I'm Jon and I'm from NYC. I started with MS 2 months ago. Since then, I've hit the minimum spend on 7 cards (between me and my spouse). Now I'm looking to maximize my efficiency and points earning.


Level 2 Member
Hi, Big fan of travel on the cheap. Have the SWA companion pass, just flew Flat bed to Australia and 4 nights at that Hyatt Sydney and 2 nights at the Sydney Hilton with executive level benefits for taxes only. This is the life!


Level 2 Member
Hello, I'm Jake. I've been in the travel hacking scene for a bit less than a year now. My wife and I use miles and points to fly free and stay in hotels for free. We're all about maximizing value and limiting dollars spent. Let me know what is needed for the level 2 access. Thanks and happy travel!


Level 2 Member
Hey, Jason from Atlanta here. Have been dabbling in the travel hacking scene for a couple years and always eager to learn more. Would love to know what I need to do to get level 2 access. Cheers all!


Level 2 Member
Hello, I am Ryan from Dallas. I am also looking for a friendly place to discuss idea. FT has turned into a mess.


Level 2 Member
Hello everyone, I arrived here because one of my hobby's is tracking the travel miles and points game and using reselling as one of the tools of the trade. Looking forward to expanding my knowledge and hopefully contributing a bit.


Level 2 Member
Hi, I'm Tom from NJ. Glad to be here to participate in the discussion, hoping to get level 2 access.


Level 2 Member
I'm Dawn from PA. I have been ms'ing lightly for several years mostly through rebates and reselling. Just starting to really get into it. I really like this forum, as everyone seems really nice and helpful, unlike other forums. I don't post a whole lot, but I read pretty much everything! I really enjoy learning new ways of doing things.

Extra Mile

New Member
Steve from NY here. Just started reading about MS. I like getting deals but WOW this is a whole other level of saving! Can't wait to learn more.


Level 2 Member
Hello, I'm Grafter. Located in the Midwest and am always interested in learning. I got my start with CC bonuses back in the days of massive app-o-ramas and have just recently dipped my toe into the world of MS.


Level 2 Member
Howdy, Ken out of DC... current cards, Arrival, BCP, CitiAA, WellsFargo, CSP, Freedom, Discover, C1V


Level 2 Member
Hi everyone, Randall from NY here. Been travelling cheaply and in the points game modestly for about 6 years on an off and am more recently getting heavier into things. I'm always interested in figuring out ways to 'beat the system' and arbitrage opportunities and looking forward to the discussion on level 2. There seem to be tons of NYC enthusiasts on here. Maybe we should have a meet-up?


Level 2 Member
Jeff from NJ here (didn't realize there were so many NJ MS'ers around!). Have been playing the miles game for a few years, would love to advance to "Level 2" status


Level 2 Member
Hey Everyone,

Jon from Los Angeles, CA! Been doing this for a while, and would like to get more in depth with MS and everything. I've already gleaned some useful information here and there browsing the forums, and hopefully I can contribute what little knowledge I have to help others.


New Member
Let's get things rolling with introductions! I started this thread for people to say hi, and share a little about themselves.

I am Matt, I set up this forum as a place to discuss Travel and Financial ideas. I am originally from the UK and currently live in New York, look forward to seeing you around!
Hi Matt, New Yorker here and still alive doing MS. Found good places to do so. Now interested to see your new prepaid product at store I am aware of.


Level 2 Member
Hi all!! I am in Brooklyn, NY and started the game in 2011. I would love to learn more from Saverocity and level two. Thanks!!


Level 2 Member
Hi , I am Sam from Queens, NY.... would like to learn more about MS opportunities here in NYC... and get a Level 2 status...


Level 2 Member
Hi I am cmind from VA. MS is a part of my life, and I am looking forward to exploring more possibilities here. Thanks.

John L

Level 2 Member
Hi, I'm John. I live in NYC. I teach economics and study airlines. MS is a fringe benefit. I would love to get to level 2.


Level 2 Member
Hi. I'm James in Brooklyn. I've been in "the game" for about a year and would love to learn more about MS opportunities and get to Level 2. Thank you!


Level 2 Member
I am Allen, a travel hacker in NYC always testing and willing to share my own NYC secrets to MS. Btw somebody destroyed Vcom already!


New Member
Hi Everyone, I am Adib. I reside in New York City. I have been in this game for few years but still learning. Looking forward to learning a lot more as well as contributing as much as I can.


New Member
Hello Everyone, I am Deepak. I am new to this and willing to learn a bit and start contributing soon


Level 2 Member
Hi! I'm Jenny and I live in NYC! I started gaining points and miles this past January and is already planning my next trip. I'm eager to learn more tricks of the trade, and help explore new methods of MS! Thanks!