Introduce yourself here!


Level 2 Member
Hello all,

My name is Clint and I'm from DFW. I've been into credit card churning and reselling for about a year and a half now. I'm interested in learning some additional tips and tricks for pure MS, which I haven't actually done much of.



Level 2 Member
Good day everyone,

I'm originally from the great city of Chicago, but currently live in the rural area of it's northern neighbor. I only recently got into the game (about 10 months ago), but enjoy playing as much as the next guy. I hope to be able to exchange ideas with you all along the way.

Happy travels!

My name's Lance, and I live in Wisconsin. Started down the road ( toward low cost travel a couple of years ago. Since then, I've been able to take my family of five to Hawaii, Europe, Grand Canyon, DC, Rockies, Florida, and Alaska - for very low cost.

Always looking for new ways to travel / earn points /etc.

Great to be here!

What part of WI are you from?


New Member
Hi, I've been lurking and playing the game for awhile. We've recently retired (2 years ago) and sold everything to travel the world. We had no idea retirement would be so much fun. And now I have time to really dig deep into this hobby. Currently house sitting for some friends in the Bay Area, so I guess that's where I'm from (at least right now). Next trip planned is in the fall - barging in France with some friends.


Level 2 Member

I'm from NY and have been into this longer than a lot of you have been alive. Over the years I've been doing things that I never knew had "names". Credit card churning, retention bonus', MS, mistake fares etc. I remember the days of waking up at midnight 330 days out making the calls to AA to score our reward tickets. This was before computers and the telephone and post office (snail mail) were the only tools I needed.

I know I'm at a disadvantage as I'm "technically challenged". I tried signing up here a month ago, but never confirmed because I didn't realize it was in my spam folder. Anyway I still get by and have learned a lot.

Within the last 5 years my husband and myself have managed to earn over 300,000 BA miles and 250,000 US Air miles without ever stepping foot on one of their planes. I have learned a lot from this community and want to thank everyone for their help in enabling us to be able to afford to take 2-3 vacations a year.

Crazy 4 Rewards

New Member
Hi! I'm Anabelle from MA. I have a family of 6 and love to use miles and points to lower our travel expenses. I've been reading and learning from these blogs for a while and decided to start participating as well.

Vacation time

Level 2 Member
HEY its mike from NJ been traveling on points since 2010 and haven't looked back since people think I am nuts. I have been on more trips out of the metro area than friends have been to Atlantic city in a lifetime. LOL.. Points have allowed me to visit places I would not even think of going to. Points ROCK lets earn some more.


Level 2 Member
Hi, Matt! Thanks for starting this forum! I'm originally from Peru, settled in LA. Your approach to travel hacking and finance has been addictive to my Engineering and MBA background. My daughter is now 7-yo and we're enjoying showing her how small the world really is.


Level 2 Member
Hi All! I am a PhD student in UM, Ann Arbor. I've been in this for half a year and really excited to learn more and travel more!

Outlying Anomaly

Level 2 Member
Hi, everyone! I’m an almost-empty-nester in FL. I’m a couponer so I understand staying off the radar, making decisions about what’s right for me, small steps, etc. I've only done minimal CC stuff, but want a little help where I need it: basic MS and a safe place to ask stupid questions. I joined FT more than a decade ago, but only lurk out of fear of crossing the line of invisible ink since I don’t own the deciphering goggles yet. (I’ve been playing too many video games and/or eating too much Cap’n Crunch, apparently.)

Matt, I need the equivalent of a weekly Uber ride in the Ferrari, not the keys. Thanks for starting this forum! :)


Level 2 Member
Hi! I'm Nichole, and I live in the Minneapolis area. I love the points and miles game but feel I've reached a plateau (and not a very high one) so I'm looking forward to being here!

Beach Miles

Level 2 Member
Hello Matt , I'm Beach Miles on FT and MP. I attended the Charlotte DO and learned a lot. Met Matt briefly at the "social hour". Being the host, I think he had his hands full.
I had some more in depth conversations with many of others at the event. I spend a lot of time in Grocery stores , Drug stores and less time now at WM. I live South of the Mason Dixon line. would like to gain access to the second level. I think I have ideas to share, and much to learn. Been active on FT since 2008, but would like to share ideas with a smaller group. Loved the Charlotte get together.
Hope the new baby and Mom are doing well.


Level 2 Member
Hi All - I've only got about a year experience with gaining points/miles through sign up bonuses from ccs and probably ~ 6 months of msing. After vrs dried up at CVS I discovered reselling (thanks big habitat) and I've been trying to expand on that ever since. Since reselling is my primary method of ms, I hope to gain more insight on that subject through this forum. I'm also here to learn a few new ms tricks, meet new travel geeks (any Chicagoans?), and contribute where I can.


Level 2 Member
I've been reading saverocity all weekend, so had to join! I fly a lot, and I've been collecting points casually through travel and cc sign-up bonuses for the past 8 years. I'm inspired by the contributors and members here to begin the MS game.


Level 2 Member
Hi All - I have two kids and a wife and I am based in SAN. I dabble with some MS and credit card signup bonuses to get them to places. I hope to learn more about everything and expand on things.


Level 2 Member
Hi, I'm Nina. I'm in NY. I started MS about a year ago, but stopped after CVS changed rules. I'm looking forward to learning about new avenues for MS. I'm interested in level 2. Thanks.


Level 2 Member
Hi, I'm Dave from MI, have a family of 4. I started signing up for cc last year but didn't get into MS until earlier this year. Looking forward to learning and sharing new MS techniques. I would be interested in level 2 access. Thanks.


Level 2 Member
Hi, I am Gerri. I am from Michigan. I love to travel and I started to sign up for cc's over 7 months ago. I look forward to your forum. I am interested in level
2 access. Thank you.


Level 2 Member
Hi y'all...

I am Stephen from Texas and traveling is a hobby for myself, my wife, and our 2 kids (6 y/o daughter, 4 y/o son). As a result I have been doing MS for about 3 years, earning / burning miles for 11 years, and loving travel since I was a wee little lad. My wife and I have visited 25+ different countries so far with a goal of visiting every country in the world by 2025.

Excited to learn and share about MS spend techniques. Also interested in Level 2 access.


Level 2 Member
Hi yall! My name is Ted and I'm currently residing in Texas. I got turned on to the whole churning/manufactured spending game about a year ago, and I've been slowly converting my friends and family. It certainly helps get their attention when I get to travel in first class to places like Hawaii and Australia for free. Looking forward to sharing my knowledge and experiences while learning from others!


Level 2 Member
I'm MC6, a native Midwesterner living near DC. I'm curious to see what this site is about, as well as the mysterious Level 2.


Level 2 Member
Good morning from PHL. I look forward to participating. Currently active with CC's and MS (mainly GC at Staples and AP) for a few years. Reading Saverocity and others daily. Followed #milemadness and interested in moving towards that level. I'm in the middle of the Venn and interested in Level 2. Thanks Matt.


Gold Member
Hi, I am from MA and this year joined the points and miles game. I have already collected quite a few miles and points but now looking for learning the ways to redeem them effectively. Reading your blog and others is really opening up the world of travel for me and my liitle family of 3. :). Congratulations on the new baby! Its a life changer.


Level 2 Member
Good Evening. Love your blog and hope to learn more about the miles and spend game. I would be interested in Level 2 access. Thanks


Level 2 Member
Hi, always interesting reading your perspective on things. Hoping to gain more knowledge in my new miles obsession :) I'm interested in the Level 2 access. Thanks!


Level 2 Member
George here, hailing from the midwest, looking to realize full miles/points potential to get to each coast annually with the family. Love your blog Matt and really excited to see what comes of The Forums. I am also interested in gaining access to the Level 2 Forum. Thanks and good luck.


Level 2 Member
Hello everyone, Tom here from the Midwest. Am fairly new to the game and looking forward to learning and sharing.

Thanks Matt!


Level 2 Member
Good evening to all and to all a good night. Barry here from the south looking for a new forum home to exchange ideas. I do a lot of family travel. Interested in Level 2 MS forum.


Level 2 Member
Hi there! From San Francisco, and would love to swap ideas. I'm interested in getting Level 2 access as well. Thanks!


Level 2 Member
Hi all. Gene here from the CLE area. excited to share & learn some tips & tricks while inching ever closer to the Seychelles!


Level 2 Member
Hi, I'm Quinn. Home airport is OKC and have been in the miles and points game for approximately 1 year. I love points because they allow to spend every Christmas in London and contribute to my goal of attending all 4 major tennis opens. Recently, I started buying goods and selling via FBA to ramp up spending. Love reading BigHabitat because he gave me the courage to start reselling. I would love access to level 2 information and look forward to sharing ideas. Thanks!


Level 2 Member
Hi, I'm Andrew and live in NYC. I've been following miles & points blogs/twitter acts/forums for about 6 months. As a mathematician, I find the problem-solving aspects quite compelling. I'm interested in Level 2 access to learn more (especially nyc-area tips).