Introduce yourself here!


Level 2 Member
I would consider myself a veteran of the travel/finance game since I started in 2009 but I do the bare minimum and get by. Finance and stocks highly interest me. Hello all!! Oh and most definitely would love to learn about Level 2!


Level 2 Member
Hey all, FAT based James, although not currently obese on the British Midland scale. Huh?

Oh yeah, old timer here (long enough to remember MRTC anyway). Hey, where's that acronym thread? Would love to have level 2 access, as I'm all about real and imagined status.

Alex N

Level 2 Member
Hi all - Alex here, living in PHX currently (originally form New England). Just got into collecting travel points/miles about a year ago - before that I mainly just focused and cash back only and general normal savvy saver type things. It's been a good year, I know I have made some mistakes, but it's been fun and we've taken a few free and low cost trips already this past year. Mainly just doing sign up offers and meeting minimums with MS but looking to find out more about using MS to keep padding my accounts the bonuses are long gone. I am amazed at the knowledge and wealth of info in these forums, also the staggering MS and points balances :)

When I try to get my family in on some of this to help out I mostly get mixed reactions and lots of "that sounds like a lot work".....LOL....if they only knew, what I am doing is really beginner level stuff. My best quality for this game is probably keeping organized, i've never had this many CC's open my entire life (I actually had to rebuild my credit from ground zero about 10 years ago) so it helps me to know where everything is at for spend, bonuses, min spend limit deadlines, etc.

Looking forward to learning more on the boards and learning more in "Level 2"


New Member
Hey everyone. I'm been doing this MS thing for about a year now. I started out just wanting to make some minimum thresholds, but I got addicted pretty early on (as we all have experienced ;)). A $25k target quickly ballooned to $50, then $100k. Now I'm looking for more ideas to run even more without incurring prohibitive fees.

Good meeting all of you, and I'm excited to get better at the MS game. Would love to find out about Level 2 and how to gain access.


Level 2 Member
Hi I'm Eric and just starting to get a hang of this whole thing. Its a major hobby of mine now and as I was browsing I noticed the NYC thing since I'm from NYC and would like to know more about level 2. Thanks!


Level 2 Member
Hi Everyone - My name is Chris, I live in LA and am a long FT member but currently looking to share and learn in a more intimate forum. Switched jobs recently and have more free time on my hands and plan to ramp up my MS again.

I would also love to participate in Level 2 when appropriate.


Level 2 Member
Good morning! My name's Michael. I own an essential oils company and travel out of SEA. Hope to learn a lot and contribute when I can. Thanks for putting this together!


Level 2 Member
Hi, my name is Dov and I am a new member here. Have been enjoying playing the miles game for a few years now and hope to be able to learn more about it on a forum like this. Am curious as well in learning more about 'Level 2'.



Level 2 Member
Hi.. My name is Narayan and I am a new member. Just started on miles and points last year. Hope to be able to learn a lot and am curious about level 2.


Level 2 Member
Hi! My names Jeremy - Originally from NYC but temporarily living in New England - Miles and Points is my game - Love it - Been all over the world with it - Helped out lots of friends as well - I participate in a bunch of other forums and web sites - FT, Boarding Area etc - I've used MS to meet minimums, have had issues at my local WM so I'm not so keen on that.. I live for this stuff.. Any info on Level 2 would be appreciated!


Level 2 Member
Hello everyone, this is Kunal. I am based out of CLE currently. Got into miles and points cards about a year ago, and I must say it is very very addictive. Read a couple of pages back and looks like most folks (including me) are looking for the "Level 2" access... Guess it would come with time... Keep contributing and you'd get "promoted to Level 2"...


Level 2 Member
I'm brand new to this forum, looking for creative ways to manufacture spend, have been doing the miles hobby for a while but always looking for new ways. I would love access to level 2, thank you.


Level 2 Member
Hey everyone. I'm Richard. Currently living in the Twin Cities. Been doing the miles and points thing for about 3 years now. Browsed around these forums a bit and am looking forward to all the things I have yet to learn. Would love to learn more with Level 2 access.


Level 2 Member
Hi everyone! My name is Scott, I am located in PHX and have been in the game for about a year. Looking forward to learning some new techniques and sharing my experiences as well! I would love to be upgrade to Level 2 access in order to start sharing.
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New Member
Andy here. SFO area. Points freak for years. MS for 2. Kicked it up this past year. Help others in peron, hope to do the same on line.


Level 2 Member
Hi, I've been an avid miles/points collector and redeemer for a few years now, as it has taken me on some great trips! I've done a little MS mainly to meet minimum spends. I think I have a handle on some of the current tools, but I'd love to learn and contribute in a more intimate setting. I'm based mostly in MA.

If you could give me more info on the second level, that would be great.


Level 2 Member
Hi Matt. I'm Nick. I have been into credit card deals, travel having, and manufacturing sirens due a couple years now and currently live in Honolulu. In interested in learning more abbr what level 2 membership offers.


Let's get things rolling with introductions! I started this thread for people to say hi, and share a little about themselves.

I am Matt, I set up this forum as a place to discuss Travel and Financial ideas. I am originally from the UK and currently live in New York, look forward to seeing you around!


Level 2 Member
Hi I'm Joan, I live in LA, I have been into credit card deals and manufacturing sirens a couple years now, I will be intereresed in knowing about this 2nd level of the forum.


Level 2 Member
Hi Matt - I'm Mike from PA. I've been browsing around and think you have the start of something pretty good here. Interested in L2 access as well.



New Member
Hi, I am DCA based and have been playing the mileage game for 11 years or so. Nothing I like more than a little arbitrage. I have about 3.5K posts on Flyertalk, but I am looking for a more discrete place to discuss fragile deals. I would appreciate Level 2 Access.
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Level 2 Member
Hi! I'm SFO/SJC based, currently a PhD student who travel-hacks/does a good deal of MS to see a lot more of the world than a grad student's stipend is supposed to permit. I'm hoping to check out alternatives to the Flyertalk MS/CC forums and would be interested in Level 2 access.


Level 2 Member
Hi, I'm Shaun. Currently living in San Diego and have been collecting miles and points for about 6 years. I have been doing MS on and off for about 3 years but am always looking for new opportunities. Would definitely be interested in 2nd level access to discuss further.


Level 2 Member
Hello, I'm Jeremy. I am based in HNL. I have been doing miles and points, mainly via cc, on and off for several years. Interested in learning about more opportunities to acquire and redeem miles and points. Would be interested in level 2 access.

Dan H

Level 2 Member
Hi, I'm Dan and located in IAD. I have been collecting miles and points over 10 years to fund family vacation. I'm always to looking for new ways to add FF & FG program balances. I'm interested in 2nd level access and get chance to share my experience.


Level 2 Member
Hi I'm Travelj. Located in MD near DCA. Started the game 2 yrs. ago. Have been able to do a RTW so far and looking now to go to Capetown & Sydney next year. Looking to access level 2.


New Member
Hi, I'm Mo and also originally from the UK, living in San Francisco. Got into manufactured spend and points collecting last year and have been using online blogs to keep up to date. Love the idea of a closed community so that people don't abuse manufactured spend - interested to get level 2 access


Level 2 Member
Hi, I'm Greg and I'm transplanted from the Bay Area to SAF. I've been following the MS world now for a while and would like to be able to learn/share more knowledge.


Staff member
Hi, I'm TheBOSman, keeping my FT handle same as here for simplicity. I try to keep a finger in everything, but I'd say my strongest knowledge bases are MS, mileage runs, cheap fares/hotels, elite status, anything AA related (seriously, try me :D), and awards to Oceania/South Pacific across all FFPs. I would appreciate Level 2 access.