Introduce yourself here!


Level 2 Member

I'm Nick, based in Atlanta. I'm a fairly low-risk spender, in particular after getting caught up in some of the earlier Incom VR issues in ATL, but still see the rewards as being worthwhile.

I really appreciate the content and approach here Matt and hope the forum can be a useful way of keeping ideas flowing.


Level 2 Member
Hey, I'm Rich from Ohio. I've been MSing for a couple of years, but I'm definitely not an expert at it! My next trip will be taking my mom to Austria in September. I look forward to interacting with everyone.

PS: Whoever can guess the location in my avatar (must be more specific than just the country) will get 12 trillion points
Are you in or near Dunquin, Ireland??


Level 2 Member
Hi All,

I'm Ellen from Arkansas. I am fairly new to MSing. In fact, I just got back from my first big trip! I went to New Zealand using SkyPesos. Now I am trying to figure out where to go next! So as I am no expert, I am very excited to be here in order to learn and discuss more!!


Level 2 Member
Hello I'm Romer. Got into all this stuff this year and already taking around the world trip at the end of the year. Really interested in the conversations here and looking forward to accessing level 2 stuff.


Level 2 Member
Hi, I'm Terry from Central Texas. I have been following FT for 10 yrs and regularly post travel sweeps there under Frenchie Flyer. My husband puts up with my MSing and doesn't really follow it. FTers in my area have started meeting monthly and we find that a good way to communicate and share. A couple of my friends there turned me onto this forum. Thanks! I'm very interested in the 2nd tier or level.


Level 2 Member
Hi, I'm Terry from Central Texas. I have been following FT for 10 yrs and regularly post travel sweeps there under Frenchie Flyer. My husband puts up with my MSing and doesn't really follow it. FTers in my area have started meeting monthly and we find that a good way to communicate and share. A couple of my friends there turned me onto this forum. Thanks! I'm very interested in the 2nd tier or level.
I would love to participate in you monthly meetings!


Level 2 Member
Hey everyone, I'm Alex from a little bit northwest of Los Angeles. I'm excited to join this community after following Saverocity for a while now. I'm into the miles and travel and even more excited about personal finance and frugality.


Level 2 Member
Hi folks. I am sriki from Louisiana. Liked the saverocity posts. Hope that tone continues here along with great contributions from everyone including me. Thanks


Level 2 Member
Hi my name is Charisma and i'm from the bay area. I am into this hobby for my family to afford travel. Im very interested learning level two.


New Member
Hi my name is Steve and I'm located in Orange County California. I'm fairly new to the points game, been at it for about six months. I'm interested in sharing ideas here at the forum and look forward to becoming a level 2 member.


New Member
This is Betsy. I joined a while ago, but then couldn't access the posts, so I joined again. I live in Florida and would love to be in level 2. Thanks for all your help.


Level 2 Member
Hi I am Yash from Atlanta. Love MS game and love the discussions related to it. Have been active on other MS forums & nice to join this one to increase the fun. @Matt : would love to have level 2 access :). Thanks.


Level 2 Member
Hey everyone. Xavier from GVA. Look forward to chatting with everyone and finding new ways to MS throughout the world.


I never thought having the flu might be one of the most valuable and productive things that could happen... Literally got started a few days ago while stuck in bed reading on my iPad. Signed up for Starwood rewards Amex and am trying to learn as much as I can. My husband wants to visit Barcelona, so that is the first trip in the works. Looking forward to learning and contributing!


Level 2 Member
I never thought having the flu might be one of the most valuable and productive things that could happen... Literally got started a few days ago while stuck in bed reading on my iPad. Signed up for Starwood rewards Amex and am trying to learn as much as I can. My husband wants to visit Barcelona, so that is the first trip in the works. Looking forward to learning and contributing!
Welcome Brianne,

As the old saying goes, make lemonade when life throws lemons at you. Good job on finding this forum especially if you started just days ago. Take your time reading up on things and finding what you want out of this hobby/obsession and what's your comfort zone. I started a couple months shorts of a year, but read a good bit for two weeks before taking the plunge. There are blogs out there and more importantly vastly experienced people around forums who can help you. Good luck


Level 2 Member
Hey everybody. Been reading Matt's blog for quite some time but I've been dragging my feet getting to this forum. I'm digging the vibe so far. I'm a big fan of MS and I don't mind experimenting so I'm looking forward to contributing to this community.



Level 2 Member
Dawg, how did I procrastinate to now and score the last entry on the intro page...for now anyway (sorry Matt, forgot to do this when signing up). I'm konorth and live in God's country, TVC, little cold in the winter but the water, the beauty, food, wine, brew, people and State Theatre make this a great place. And thank goodness our airport is so cute because it gets a lot of use from me, traveling on several long weekends through out the year. I've been in the game for quite a few yrs. Got lucky and found FTG back then, did some cc churns, read a ton, and he PM'd a lot of tips but didn't spill all the beans as he believed in teaching to fish. Next I fell on MS before it had a name, my 1st MS was ordering travelers checks with cc from AM EX rinse/repeat, yup b4 coins, and the rest is history. My new goal is to hit the 2nd level (hint!) ~and to continue to travel the world.


Level 2 Member
Hey everyone. I am excited about this forum. It seems a little more welcoming and inclusive than some of the others. Thanks to Matt for the great energy.

I am based in PHX and have been into miles and points for several years now, but work does not allow me to travel as much as I want to. I'm able to do maybe one bigger trip per year and several smaller domestic trips. I'm a single guy and points rich/ cash poor. So lately, I've been much more into finding ways to get cash back rather than lots of points (already have more points than I know what to do with). That being said, I am hoping to do more significant travels in the next year or two, possibly an extended world trip with miles and points. I look forward to this community!


Level 2 Member
Hey Matt! My name is Scott and I am from the Omaha area. I have been reading online for quite a while but I am new to the forum scene. Thanks for all the work. I am excited to take part and learn more about travel, ms and people.


New Member
Hi everyone, my name is Chris. I have been plying the discount travel game for about 5 years now (I believe I started with the US Airways Grand Slam promo)...It's taken me around the world a couple of times in the front of the plane. I've seen the game change over the last 1/2 decade and as soon as you think it's over, usually another avenue develops. I reside in the Kansas City areas and would look forward to meeting up with like mind travel and MS folks.


New Member
Hi everyone. I live in middle TN and started the point and mile game from last year. Now I have managed to take several trips for free and sure expect more trips like these!


Level 2 Member
Hey everyone-
My name is wogi and I love the idea of this forum.
I would love to hear more about other levels that I am currently restricted from


Level 2 Member
Hi there - Mark from NJ here. I've been casually mile collecting for nearly a decade, but my addiction to the hobby really took off a couple years ago when the 1st 100K BA offer came out. Since then, it's been a whole lot of churning, manufactured spend, and flying up front :)

I had a blog for a while - before I soon realized it was way too much work to maintain. More info can be found when I was interviewed by MMS a few years ago:

Hoping to learn a thing or two on the forums and share my knowledge with others as well.


Level 2 Member
Hello All!!! I am KP and I am from Dallas. I have been in the points and miles game since about a year. Its been very exciting and I am addicted to it now. I also want to help and learn new things. So, looking forward to be part of this forum.

Thanks Matt for creating this forum. It would be great to hear from you more about what exactly this second level is and hopefully be part of it soon.

Mark Showalter

Level 2 Member
Greetings, I'm Mark from Atlanta and am here to learn. I'm also wondering about the mysterious second level that I hope gain access to.


Level 2 Member
My name's Lance, and I live in Wisconsin. Started down the road ( toward low cost travel a couple of years ago. Since then, I've been able to take my family of five to Hawaii, Europe, Grand Canyon, DC, Rockies, Florida, and Alaska - for very low cost.

Always looking for new ways to travel / earn points /etc.

Great to be here!