The Weekly News Roundup is a collection of headlines from around the internet that caught the attention of the Tagging Miles team. Content on these blogs do not necessarily reflect the positions of Tagging Miles, and should not be considered endorsements. Have a great story we should read? Contact us now and let us know.
- Dia talks about some key skills / attributes that, while she talks about Camp Mom, I think are integral for any travel hacker.
- JetBlue unveiled their new retro livery – it looks awesome!
- From Doctor of Credit, get Etihad Elite Status with a single flight.
- The response to AirBnB runs the gambit, between being embraced by some localities, and being made illegal by others. Apparently, it’s not the thing to do if you have a flat in some parts of Singapore, for example.
- The future with United sounds something like what American did a while back with banking flights… But, more interestingly enough, United seems to think that increasing connecting traffic in places like Newark, are the key to success.
- Joe asks, why are Hyatt Diamonds treated so unevenly? I would offer, that he might need to take some advice from this video
Miles and Points:
- Doctor of Credit reports that there’s an Amazon Wedding Registry completion discount, as much as 20% off of $2,500… not bad for folks in the midst of getting married.
- The scariest thing I’ve read this week. Getting your account shut down by Google for reselling a Pixel phone. I’m sorry to say, I’m not even sure what it is, aside from what I’ve seen on Twitter from @Jonk, but, I’d never even consider reselling a google product after reading this.
- Oren has some holiday tips for resellers.
Tagging Miles:
- Primer – National Rental Car Elite Status
- The Impact of Hubs on the 10 Best Airports For Holiday Travel
- Five Things To Do in Sydney
- Review: Park Hyatt Sydney
- Attention Airlines and Hotels: Loyalty is a two-way street
- Non Sequitur – Inspiration to be better