Happy Independence Day!

July is a fun time of the year; the kids are out of school, many are traveling, and overall, folks are pretty happy about things. How could you not be, with warm weather, barbecues, the occasional–or more frequent–fireworks, and camaraderie? Many of these activities are most prevalent on July 4th, otherwise known as the United States’ Independence Day.

Pride in the Stars and Stripes.

Pride in the Stars and Stripes.

Its a great day in my opinion. Usually I even make it a point to be home in Maryland–just outside of our nation’s capital–to partake in the festivities. My favorite, is to watch A Capitol Fourth. This year I won’t be following that tradition, but I hope those that can, do. July 4th celebrates a very important day in history. With the tragic events worldwide over the last month or so, I feel like there is even greater importance on today. Independence Day should be a reminder of why we–Americans–are here, and choose to remain in the US.

240 years ago, a small group of people declared that they would be independent from Great Britain. Americans have continued that tradition of the “Great American Experiment,” and while various events may occasionally make us question that experiment, I dare say, we are better for it.

I will close, in saying that I hope all enjoy the day. Regardless of whether you barbecue, gather with family and friends, go watch fireworks, or participate in a spirited debate of controversial topics of our time. These are all great benefits–and more–of being where we are. Please, let us never forget the freedoms that we have all pledged our allegiance to, and let us never stop fighting to make sure that all receive the same rights.

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