Are you freaking out about not getting in on the latest Amex Sync offers? Are you constantly scanning Twitter looking for new offers? Do you have 6 different Twitter accounts for 6 different Amex cards and struggle to stay up to date? Fear not! Offersbot is the coolest app I’ve seen that helps you [...]
Matt is doing a contest on the forum, called the Cheapskate challenge, giving away $100 to the person that can get the lowest possible price on a range, taking into account shopping portals, discounts, etc., and it reminded me of a prior post, so I updated it. Good luck! With Black Friday (or Thursday, depending [...]
To my legions of loyal readers, I know it’s been a long time since I’ve posted, and I apologize, but I’ve been dealing with some illness in my family. Thanks for following. It’ll be a while unfortunately until I’m posting on a more consistent basis. That being said: There are many hotels that offer [...]
As I’ve said before, one of the greatest things about being in the military is the perks you get. I was cruising around the United States Postal Service website (I know, I’m so cool!), and I noticed that in addition to the normal fees for domestic and international money orders, there are also fees for [...]

First off, for my loyal hordes of readers, I apologize about the paucity of posts – not only am I working a full ER resident’s schedule, I’m in the midst of a huge backyard project, making my latest credit card minimum spend easily (although in Home Depot trips, not in gift cards), and my whole [...]

As I mentioned before in a prior post, VA loans are one of the coolest perks you can get your hands on in the military. I myself took advantage about 3 years ago, and entered into a 3 year VA hybrid ARM. Although this sounds like a horrible idea initially, it made sense for me [...]

Ok, I’ve thrown some really random things together today, so bear with me. >20% off at Home Depot I just got back from Home Depot, and it made me want to remind you – all military servicemembers get 10% off at Home Depot and Lowe’s, for all orders, which is huge! I took advantage [...]
I was exchanging emails with Matt, and he was telling me about a woman at the Charlotte Milesmadness event, (during which I had to work) who told him about her son. He is an Army Green Beret, and after reading my below articles, he contacted Amex about his service time, and had gotten a large [...]
The other day, I was reading CTP’s article on chip & PIN cards, and remembered that the reason I had applied for and gotten USAA’s rewards World Mastercard was that it is one of the few US-based credit cards that offers a chip & PIN option. The original card looked like this: You have to [...]
Today we’ll have a guest post from COL Glenn of The Military Frequent Flyer, talking about the rise of identity theft amongst Active Duty and Veterans, and ways to protect yourself. This is especially germane given how often we use our SSN throughout the day. It also might be a first look at a service [...]