Joe has been on fire lately– check him out if you haven’t yet. I’ve wanted to respond to a bunch of what he’s written and today want to address the sunk cost fallacy. If you’re not familiar with the term a sunk…
Want a Quieter Hotel Room? Before You Check In, Do This
Greetings from the Mayflower Hotel in Washington DC. I’ve had a lovely stay and will give a detailed review soon. This morning I just wanted to share a tip I learned that I will incorporate into my travel routine. It’s a…
Lessons Learned from Remodeling Week 8: Nobody Plays Their B-Side on Facebook
Welcome to my Lessons learned from remodeling journal. I thought it would be fun and instructive to share our remodeling journey week by week. I hope you can learn from what we do right- and more importantly from what we…
An American Express Mistake I Will NEVER Make Again
Just a quick PSA this morning as I attempt to climb out of the rabbit hole American Express has dropped me into.As you may know, the Starwood Personal American Express offer jumped from 25,000 to 35,000 StarPoints. This is a terrific…