CategoryThe Beautiful French Village Of Saint-Emilion
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed elementum, lacus nec egestas egestas, sem nulla pellentesque arcu, sed lacinia odio est id elit. Quisque ac tempus me..
Some Thoughts About Visiting Disneyland Paris in Winter
Greetings from Paris! Or more specifically, Marne-la-Valee, the suburb where Disneyland Paris is located. I am here with Deal Girl in the middle of January to answer the burning..
Is it worth visiting Disneyland Paris?
Sleeping Beauty Castle at Disneyland ParisDisneyland Paris is comprised of two parks situated about 19 miles east of Paris. It’s celebrating its 25th anniversary this year so it’..
Second City Travel: Going Beyond the Postcard
I was thrilled to see a feature on Marseille in a recent Washington Post Travel section. I have a love/hate relationship with WaPo Travel but they got this one right.
Galimard Create Your Own Perfume: Willy Wonka for Women
This post is part of the Souvenir Stories series- where I share the stuff that takes me back after I get home.I’ve mentioned before that scent is one of my
Cannes Hotel Showdown: Hyatt Grand Martinez Vs. Holiday Inn
After a recent stay in Cannes it felt like a good idea to review the two hotels I visited: the Grand Hyatt Martinez and the Holiday Inn. I understand that
Sheradill Review aka Our 21 Euro Hotel Room
Greetings from Marseille! I’ll have much more to share but wanted to give you my quick Sheradill review. Or rather I’ll let the photos speak for what I got for
Sheradill: My New 90% Off Hotel Obsession (With a 20 Euro Credit to Start)
My 21 Euro Hotel Room In Marseille…in August. Photo courtesy Sheradill.
I’ve been tinkering with my Provence/Cote D’Azur trip and found an amazing website: Sheradill. Simply pu..
Provence on Points: When a Category 6 Hotel is a Better Value Than a Category 1
I’ve been doing a fair amount of tinkering with my Provence on Points* trip this summer and wanted to share my lessons learned with you. 4,500 Thank You Points and dropping a de..
Provence on Points: Lessons Learned
Thanks to all of you that helped with Camp Mom Solo– your ideas helped me narrow down the swarm of destinations in my head. I settled upon the south of France
What is this $2500 Hotel Room Really Worth?
It’s one of my pet peeves in the “Hobby”- the headlines that proclaim “$2,500 hotel room for FREE”. They drive me nuts for two reasons:
Points and miles are not valueless-
Lazy Weekend in Lyon: Michelin Starred Meals at La Mere Brazier and La Remanence
One thing Jess and I don’t get to do as parents is go out for fancy meals, so we decided to binge while in Lyon sans the little one. The
Lazy Weekend in Lyon: The Hilton Lyon, Parc Tete d’Or, and Salon du Chocolat
The atrium of the Hilton Lyon (photo from Hilton)
Hilton Lyon
Normally on a short weekend location is the most important factor for a hotel for me, but on this trip I
Lazy Weekend in Lyon: British Airways First Class and the Ghost Terminal at Heathrow
Thanks to our changed flights, we departed from Boston at 7:45 PM instead of 3:00 PM, which was great because we got to spend a few extra hours with our
Some Thoughts and Pictures from Lyon
BA First Lounge Boston