Posts in this series:
Chase Sapphire Preferred vs. the Hello Kitty Visa Platinum Reward Card: Which is better?
The Chase Sapphire Preferred credit score conundrum
A list of metal credit cards: besides the Chase Sapphire Preferred, what are your options?
It’s hard to believe, but there are a lot of people out there who still don’t appreciate the greatness of the Chase Sapphire Preferred card. As a famous blogger once said to me,
Something something something First Friday.
But no more! This week, I’m only going to write about the Chase Sapphire Preferred credit card. Why? Because it’s it’s the greatest thing ever as this graphic proves:
See that? It’s got a green arrow pointing at it, and green arrows only point at awesome things.
I was hoping that Chase would come through with some sponsorship money, but they ignored my emails and phone calls for a while. Then when I finally got a hold of some actual human beings, they pretended that they had never heard of my blog. What a bunch of jerks!
Fortunately, the good folks who run the Hawaiian Airlines World Elite MasterCard came through. Sure, I’ve had some creative differences with Barclaycard in the past but we’re all willing to let bygones be bygones.
So let’s get CSP week started! Feel free to share your favorite CSP memories below.
You know what would really suck? If my name was D. Barrett.
This will be a very fun week, can’t wait to read all about the greatness that is Chase Sapphire Preferred. My favorite memory is the time CSP and the Hawaiian Airlines World Elite Mastercard merged to form the greatest card known to man, the Hawaiian Sapphire Preferred World Elite Mastercard.
Combine the two–is mankind really ready for that sort of thing?
It’s worse than you could imagine.
you should upgrade to the Freedom
let it be D Walden’s problem then
This is going to be an awesome week! How about a few of these original ideas of mine:
1. Brackets. Have the CSP go head to head against other so-called elite reward cards, then watch it toast the Hawaiian Airlines World Elite MasterCard (TM), Citi Double Cash, Amex Platinum, Capital One Venture, etc., March Madness style!
2. CSP click-baity headlines. Any points blogger with a decent-sized entourage can write “Top 6 Reasons Chase Sapphire Preferred Is Awesome.” But how about … “Top 8 Observations by Retail Clerks About Chase Sapphire Preferred that Sound Like Pick-Up Lines.” OK, I’ll get the ball rolling. #1: “Wow, it’s thick!”
3. Big arrows and step-by-step instructions. Oh wait, I think you have this covered.
I CAN’T WAIT! Love me some Chase Sapphire Preferred!!!!!
One time there was a fire at night in our house and CSP woke up my entire family to make sure we got out OK. And it even gave us double points on our hotel stay while the house was being fixed!
How about a post on the awesome things you can do with the card that are completely unrelated to its intended use? Ice scrapper, anyone? (In the interests of complete and utter transparency, I read that someplace once…. OK, here’s an original: how about as a bottle opener?
My primary success, however, is to use the CSP’s awesome edge to scrape off the little stickers I am always putting on my SO’s other CCs to remind him what card to use when and which card to use where. It gets heavy use whenever quarterly bonuses change, when we’ve met a minimum spend, and after a promo expires. Off with the old stickers, on with the new! I’m proud to announce that I haven’t broken a nail since I downgraded the CSP and started using it as my go-to sticker scrapper.
I’ve actually been tossing around a post along these lines for a while now. I need to get on that…
The CSP is that card that cares.
On a recent international flight, I had a CSP maneuver me into an empty row and administer an unwanted hand job. It was a disaster, I tried to get out, but there was no point. But I will say the CSP’s metallic finish sure enabled it to cleanup itself nicely afterwards.