Recently, George at TravelBloggerBuzz put together a list of blogs he likes and blogs he loves. Well move over, George—I’m stealing your idea! Except I’m only going to do a “Like” list–no “Love”–since distinguishing between different gradations of positive feelings is a lot of extra work.
This list is not meant to be comprehensive, as obviously there are plenty of worthwhile sites outside of what I’m going to mention here. I’ll also point out that I haven’t slept very much the last few months, so I’m sure I’ll probably leave off somebody I would have included had I thought to put them in.
Finally, if there is a blog we all should be reading, please mention it in the comments. Make sure that any blog you mention is somebody else’s blog, not your own.
That said, here’s who I like, in no particular order:
TravelBloggerBuzz: Since I’ve already mentioned him, this is as good a place to start as any. Despite accusations of “Greek stubbornness” from some quarters of the points-n-miles community, George provides a valuable service in pointing out the good, the bad, and the ugly. He also posts a lot of cool pictures and links to a ton of interesting articles I would never see otherwise.
Barry Ritholtz: Informed, opinionated takes on investing and economic issues and links to a lot of interesting stuff. The TravelBloggerBuzz of the macroeconomic world, perhaps?
Frequent Miler: If you’re reading this, you’re almost certainly familiar with Frequent Miler, so I don’t really have a lot to say other than he got big while being principled and helpful, plus he continues to put out great content.
Chasing The Points: Original content not quite like anything else out there, and profitable deals are posted pretty consistently. CTP is one of the most popular destinations for people clicking on my links.
Big Habitat: I’d call it the best new points-n-miles blog of 2013, but it’s not, strictly speaking, a points-n-miles blog. Nonetheless, there’s consistently good, original content that you won’t find anywhere else. BH has a lot about reselling, which is a game I have no desire to play, but all the same it’s fun seeing how he works the system, and he points out a lot of good deals.
Saverocity: I’m of the opinion that American media can always use more British cheekiness, and that’s exactly what Matt brings to the table. Plus he’ll get upset if I don’t mention him on this list. By the way, I wonder: do you have to be from the British Isles to be described as “cheeky”?
MilesAbound: As long as we’re talking about Brits, I’ll mention MilesAbound. Good content, and this post inspired me to get both the Banana Republic and Brooks Brothers credit cards to investigate GE’s credit card marketing techniques.
TravelIsFree: I only recently discovered this site via TBB, but some of the content has been outstanding! I would probably link to it a lot more if I focused on travel more, but whoever does this blog (Drew and Caroline according to the “About Me” page) does a great job of laying out cool tricks I am unlikely to use but still want to know about for some reason.
Dan’s Deals: It’s not hard to find hand-wringing about bloggers selling out and prioritizing money over content. Dan’s Deals shows that that being commercial (and presumably profitable) isn’t ipso facto a bad thing. It’s interesting that while many people hate on certain other sites that shall remain nameless here, there aren’t too many who hate on Dan. He puts a lot of great deals and information out there, plus the forums there have some stuff you won’t find anywhere else on the interwebs.
Have a great weekend… did I leave out any blogs?
Thanks Nick. l guess our blogger feud can wait until after the holiday season. FYI I was checking out the Barry Ritzhold link but it’s either a uncanny replica of Frequent Miler’s site or an incorrect link.
Thanks! Link fixed.
Um, View from the Wing?
Wow, I am honored! My attempts to make us all look like characters from Gap adverts appear to be working!
Good list. Looks hefty on the points side and a little light on the finance side, so let me throw you some of my favorite financy blogs.
Political Calculations
Budgets are Sexy
I never miss a blog posted by Milenomics! I like his analyses and his approach, and like Matt, Sam is extremely generous with his advice to readers who ask specific, individual questions. Check it out!
Thanks for the mention!
Add milenerd and you have my list on the miles and points side. Except for the occasional rant post, he captures most of the best new deals in posts that take 6-8 seconds to read.