True Deal Mommy Confession: I threw the Deal Kids’ soccer ball into a ravine. To be fair they were warned. Still, it’s not my finest parenting moment. But it did get me thinking. Just like nobody shows their B side…
Santa Monica
Today’s my birthday. I’m not pandering (I get enough well-wishes on Facebook) but it makes for a happy coincidence. Everclear, who does my favorite song, is performing tonight at a local festival. I’m so dating myself as a Gen Xer…
Lessons Learned from Remodeling Week 8: Nobody Plays Their B-Side on Facebook
Welcome to my Lessons learned from remodeling journal. I thought it would be fun and instructive to share our remodeling journey week by week. I hope you can learn from what we do right- and more importantly from what we…
Lessons Learned from Remodeling Week 6: Mid-Century Modern Travel Hacking
Welcome to my Lessons learned from remodeling journal. I thought it would be fun and instructive to share our remodeling journey week by week. I hope you can learn from what we do right- and more importantly from what we…