The Deal Mommy

I just joined AARP (and NO, I’m not 50). You should too.


Image via (who else)

Image via (who else)

I gotta admit that I didn’t think I’d look forward to joining AARP, but a quick review of the benefits shows that the $16/year is money well spent.  A number of the benefits have been discussed in various points/miles blogs, but I found a few more worth noting. Here are just a few highlights:

You can browse the entire list here.  I found an application link that comes with a free daybag and one here with a limited time Veteran’s Day rate of $13/year.  I’ll make back the $16 with one Hyatt night and I KNOW that TRU will come in handy! Any others I’ve missed that you find useful? Please share in the comments.

The Deal Mommy is a proud member of the Saverocity network. 

30 thoughts on “I just joined AARP (and NO, I’m not 50). You should too.

  1. Russ

    You left out: 1 free donut when you buy a medium or larger coffee at Dunkin Donuts!

    Even if you’re not into donuts, the kids love ’em.

    You’ll also get a bunch more junk mail (I don’t mind, but I know that bothers some people)

    1. thedealmommy Post author

      DD is useful! Good point about the junk mail. There must be an opt out hidden somewhere. Looking forward to those Depends coupons!

  2. Brandi

    Great list! I didn’t know about many of those and TRU will definitely be used this holiday season! My mom was teasing me about having an AARP card, but it has better benefits than my AAA membership!

  3. Kent C

    AARP sells your info to all these junk mail companies so they can turn a higher profit. Careful what you do to save a few bucks. Your address could be in the hands of hundreds of marketing departments, including funeral homes, every insurance company imaginable, pharmaceuticals, etc. Some say you cannot opt out from these or you lose your membership. Not sure about that.

    1. ncyreous

      Been a member for many years. Have never rec’d junk mail. If I did and wanted to opt out, I would not lose my membership.

    1. thedealmommy Post author

      Hi Rick,
      I saw that too. My thoughts: if the application requires your birthdate, you answer it honestly, and it still goes through, the rule obviously isn’t one they’re enforcing.

      It goes back to the “slippery slope” syndrome. Stop where you feel comfortable.

    2. ncyreous

      No, you do not have to be 50 to join. Under 50 is $12.50/yr as an Associate membership. Benefits may be a little different but still worthwhile.

      1. kim

        I am 39 and I receive an offer in the mail. The fee they are asking is $16. I checked the website and it still collects $16 in the application page. How can I join for just $12.50?

          1. thedealmommy Post author

            I don’t think so. I and many others have entered our actual birthdates and have received membership without issue.

          2. Laura Landro

            I just got off the phone with AARP. My son has been getting mail from them for a while now. My husband and I are members. My son is only 25!!
            The customer service agent told me you can be 18 and join!!

  4. Pingback: Must-Read Posts for the Week | Miles For Family

  5. Krista

    AARP has an “associate” program for those under 50, or that is what I joined under at 40.

    The 2 discounts I have used most are Walgreens (an extra 5000 points 1 X a month if you spend over $25), and 5% off a NCL Cruise booked 9 or more months in advance. That saved us $160 last year, which more than paid for the membership.

    1. thedealmommy Post author

      Hi Krista,
      I need to look into the Walgreens benefits. I’ve moved mostly to Rite-Aid because of Plenti but this might be enough to move back.

  6. Saving in the OC

    Great Tips! Thanks for sharing. I got an “early” start on my membership this morning. Oh and the Veteran’s Day rate of $13/year is still valid. 🙂

  7. Phil

    Sorry. I just turned 52 and I’m not ready to join AARP. I still feel young somewhat and love to go out and party. Why would anyone under 50 want to join anyway? Again sorry but not for me.

    1. goggleuser

      Ummm to save money.. More money to party with in your case. In others to save for more vacations and cruises. That’peoples parting!!!

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