The Weekly News Roundup is a collection of headlines from around the internet that caught the attention of the Tagging Miles team. Content on these blogs do not necessarily reflect the positions of Tagging Miles, and should not be considered endorsements. Have a great story we should read? Contact us now and let us know!
The Elephant in the Room – RedBird
Dandeals apparently broke the story, FrequentMiler, the undisputed authority on RedBirds Confirmed, then offered post-memo questions, and answered them. Cliff notes: RedBird is pretty much BlueBird, but you go to Target.
Credit Cards
From Gary Leff, insight into Credit Card Executives‘. While we probably don’t want to admit it all of the time, the fact is, we really rely on Credit Cards for the lionshare of our miles. It’s interesting to see how the execs do things, and what power struggles we might see in the nearterm.
Frequent Miler asks could this be the best sign-up offer? Only 25,000 miles/points, but the real crux of the argument is the $450 annual fee waived for the first year, plus the fee for up to 3 additional card holders.
This past Monday was May 4th, a day that lives in infamy as #StarWarsDay, or May the Fourth be with you. Well, none other than Jeanne, the Le Chic Geek embraced her geekdom in celebration of the day.
Seth, the Wandering Aramean, among tons of others flew the inaugural American Airlines 787 from DFW-ORD. I wouldn’t want to fly in economy, but, boy am I looking to fly that bird. My wife doesn’t believe me, but I want to fly American’s new cabins on their 787 or 772’s just so I can fly backwards! (with a window of course!)
Plenti from American Express launched on May 4th too (likely to a resounding roar from Chewbacca), Gary tells us where it could be beneficial. Also of note, they have a shopping portal!