In response to yesterday’s post, Reader Rich asked, “Are you saying that something along the lines of the Mint actually IS in play right now?” [Read more…]
Reports of the gravy train’s death have been greatly exaggerated
I don’t know if it’s the best financial advice I’ve ever received, but the most memorable advice I’ve ever had came from a wealthy real estate developer. “Banks are whores!” he explained. [Read more…]
The newest member of the PFD team
Posting might be sporadic around here for a bit… [Read more…]
Dwolla Credit enters the fray! And what the heck is “Clinkle”, and why does LevelUp want to pay you $50?
“Hard-working designers like Calvin Klein, Gloria Vanderbilt, or Antoine Bugle Boy… These are the people who saw an overcrowded marketplace and said, “Me too!” –Homer Simpson
We are living in a golden age of payments. Never have there been so many ways for folks to shuffle around money and possibly find ways to make money by doing so! Eventually most of these companies will go broke, merge, get acquired, and so forth, but in the meantime there’s plenty to keep an eye on. [Read more…]
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