CategoryPicking hotels based on Value?
When I look at a redemption, I tend to consider things from many angles. The overall feeling is a combination of the following thoughts: How awesome will this trip be?
Does money care where it came from?
I discussed the behavioral impact of money recently, where I pondered how people perceive ‘free’ money vs ‘earned’ money, in that if it comes from a free source, such as AGC, logic
0% Balance Transfers, Saving vs Refinance
We’ve been having some great discussions on The Forum recently. One that came up was ‘What to do with the cash from a 0% Balance Transfer’. I thought it was
Big Picture Thoughts
We’re coming to the end of our trip to Cancun, and i’ve been giving some thought to the couple of decisions we made on this trip. The big one was
My first ever Travel (self) Insurance claim
Unlike many codswallop’s out there, I don’t think you should take out travel insurance. Travel insurance is for your granny, who books her coach trips on Greyhound, via fax mach..
Do you go for the free lapchild seat?
I know, I’m a boring bastard – but you just bookmark this stuff now for when you grow up and have kids m’kay…. I spoke yesterday about how I had