I just wanted to make a quick public service announcement today to remind you that Visa SavingsEdge still exists. For those of you not familiar with it, it’s a passive credit card rewards program that lets you enroll any Visa business card to automatically receive rewards above and beyond your credit card rewards.
What merchants will give you bonuses? Once upon a time you could purchase prepaid Visas at Staples and receive cash back from VSE but sadly those days are long gone, which may or may not have something to do with why nobody ever talks about VSE anymore. There are still a few decent merchants on the list though, including a few big gas station chains:
A few restaurants (Look, George! Panera!):
And a bunch of hotels and a few other travel-related companies:
Wyndham and Las Vegas are outside my realm of interest, alas. And while an addtional 2% back at Panera or 1% back on your gas isn’t a game-changer, it’s better than an additional 0% cash back.
In case you were curious I tried out the VSE app to see if it offered anything the website lacked. It does not; it’s actually a pretty lame app.
I actually discovered this last week when buying a Lenovo laptop. I did a search just to see if there was a way to save any extra money. And I should get a 5% rebate at Lenovo!
You probably already know this, but there’s a mastercard version of this with different vendors.
Which cards are eligible?
None of my cards worked.
My Ink cards are signed up, though that was a while ago. Which cards did you try?
Ooooh, would be good to enroll CS Reserve, no?
Biz cards only. But it doesn’t hurt to try…