[EDIT: This post was a joke, people! A joke! I’ll try to be less subtle next time.]
HUGE opportunity here, folks. But given the recent news about Citi I think it’s best to speak about this in code so that we won’t kill the deal. Here you go:
- You need to buy a certain something from a certain place. You know what I’m talking about.
- Jupiter needs to be aligned with Mercury, if you catch my drift.
- Make sure the “turbo boost” is activated.
- Don’t forget to use the credit card from you-know-where. (Hint: it’s the one with “Bank” in its name.)
- If you redeem the points at [EDIT: deleted], you can cash out for 2 cents per point.
- Remember: the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides.
I think most of you should be able to piece that together.
So if my math is correct, you’d be netting 4.2% after fees, right?
Yes, depending on the portal bonus.
I can’t tell if you are making fun of us, other bloggers, or I’m just not smart enough.
It’s more of a commentary on the sad state of the hobby. I miss the days when stuff could be talked about openly.
That’s been going strong for months and now you’ve blown it for everyone. It’s bloggers like you who ruin deals for clicks.
This is why we can’t have nice things.
But I couldn’t figure out what bank was it, so I just called every single bank and credit union in the country to ask for a list of MS options they offer. If they don’t answer by tomorrow, I’ll file a complaint with the FDIC, NCUA, CFPB, BBB, DOT, FAA, YMCA, USDA and TBB.
To help your blog I clicked every link I could find, including the one in my email from a Nigerian prince. He seems to accept mobile MO deposits, I’ll provide a data point when the wire transfer clears.
To file a complaint with TBB, you must send a fee to…TBB. And no freaking money orders either!
I’m really starting to tire of posts like this (you’re not the only culprit)… Yes, you want us to acknowledge how cool and clever you are. I really don’t like to be that critical a-hole, but how about sticking to actual useful content instead? I find it particularly ironic given your blog’s tagline of “less noise, more money.” This is nothing but noise…
You certainly seem to know an awful lot about my inner psychological state, bur truth be told I don’t give a shit about how cool and clever the internet thinks I am. I wrote the post because it amused me, and also because I miss the days when things could be discussed more freely.
As for the absence of actual useful content: well, duh. As has been remarked, deals are drying up and new ones aren’t replacing them. I write about what interests me and what can be discussed without killing the deal. Slim pickings lately.
I still don’t get 1 and 2. The rest I get
where do we get the decoder ring. figured a few of them but not all so guess it may be something im already doing. there are two that have their name in it one is of america the other you mentioned drying up
Now I’m sad. Somebody in the Newbie forum wants to know how to decipher your post. Poor guy! He thinks it’s real.
the citigold funding has been around for years and discussed over and over again for years. I had done it several times myself more than 10 years ago. so it wasnt something that showed up for the first time and citi said hey look at this. It is more likely they are doing cost cutting did an analysis and saw that it is costing them too much. I’m not saying that it never happens that companies find out via posts read and then the deals are dead because of posts.
However, the same people that are whining about publishing info about deals are usually the same ones that WHINE because they didnt find out about one.
There are some things i wont post about. such as still having locations that can buy reloadable debit cards online with any credit card, that i have done for years because i know the increase in volume would kill it fast, but citigold was not one of them.
Feller, if you don’t like it, you can git out. We don’t take kindly to critical a-holes round here
I haven’t figured this out yet but I’m so glad that you have been deprived of it. Thank you for oozing with entitlement. It really makes the schadenfreude that much sweeter.
1. Buy Amex GC from Amex.
2. Premium free shipping plan must be activated AND your order must not get cancelled.
3. Use Barclay Reward Boost Portal now showing Amex GC’s for 4% cashback
4. Use US Bank Cash + card with the Electronic Stores category selected for 5% cash back @ Amex.
5. Redeem point @ Amazon for 2x or just get cash back @ 1x.
6. This just means that total cash & points is 10%
You are all welcome.
should be real good with the nba boost coming up and the portal
I’ll be the first to say it’s your blog and you’re obviously free to write what you want. I’m just giving you some constructive criticism from a somewhat longtime reader that these sorts of posts are growing increasingly annoying. You likely don’t care and that’s fine too. Clearly, I’m welcome to vote with my feet.
Morse code might have been simpler.
Thanks for a good laugh about the sad, sad state of affairs.