“After years of disappointment with get rich quick schemes, I know I’m going to get rich with this scheme…and quick!” –Homer Simpson
We previously wrote here and here about Great Bridge Group, the market research company that wants to pay you for access to your credit card transaction data. We’re pleased to say that we have an update for you:
That’s right: Great Bridge Group has paid out! Yours truly is $75 richer thanks to being an early adoptee of Great Bridge Group. The max payout for those who got in early is $75 per quarter, so this is potentially $300 per year. Those who sign up now can get a maximum of $60 per quarter (1% of all your transactions, excluding things like Amazon Payments).
We’ll reiterate that we think the risk here is not that something will happen to your data–we feel that privacy fears tend to be overblown–but that the company will run out of money and not pay out, a la Envaulted. Other folks on Fatwallet have reported geting paid, so that’s a good sign. If you’re interested in signing up, using this referral link will earn the princely sum of $5 for both you and this blog.
I love the passive cc points/investing posts! Keep up the good work
For new members it’s now only 0.1% instead of 1%, pretty disappointing.