I don’t have any hot new deals today, but I do have an unusual news item. “Elaborate credit card scheme busted at Chatham County Jail”, says the headline:
CHATHAM COUNTY, GA -Chatham County Authorities say up to six people are implicated in a complicated scheme that involves stolen credit card numbers and up to $18,000 taken from victims. They say it started with an inmate (transferred to Chatham County temporarily from Hays Prison.) That inmate, Kerry Akeem Milledge his girlfriend Britney Daughtry allegedly used a system designed to help inmates obtain small amounts of money while in custody to buy items like toothpaste, etc. while behind bars.
But the two reportedly gamed the system which allegedly allowed Daughtry to withdraw cash and lots of it.
This isn’t just a simple case of stolen credit cards–these folks seem to have found a loophole which I’ve never heard of, and I’m guessing most of you haven’t either.
The scheme reportedly operated like this: a website called jailatm.com is a legitimate service that allows friends and family members to deposit what is normally a small amount of cash in an account for that prisoner to use while in jail. Officials say they normally buy small items like toothpaste, etc.
But in this case, authorities allege that hundreds and even several thousand dollars were deposited into accounts for Milledge and four other inmates he recruited. They say the woman then began withdrawing the money.
“She was showing up numerous times a week for different inmates receiving debit card after debit,” said O’Berry.
How many of you, upon reading this:
- …Visited the jailatm.com site?
- …Wondered whether jailatm.com transactions are coded as cash advances?
- …Wondered if the perps were familiar with Vanilla Reloads or ChargeSmart?
- …Wondered why the headline writer used the word “elaborate” to refer to a relatively simple scheme?
A NEW DESTINATION FOR YOUR BUCKET LIST: At long last, the late Family Circus cartoonist Bil Keane has a statue to honor his memory. A lot of you may not realize Keane was really into the points and miles scene…
The first thing I thought was:
Is it scalable enough to go to jail for (swiftly discarded) followed by, who do I know in jail?
I have been overcharged alot
Even when my husband wasn’t in jail. They steal your money. I want mine back.
The site is a scam. U put money in the books and the jail takes it for expenses like meals and boarding fees… Total scam.
Totally true. I think that unfortunately, all the companies contracted to provide such services are largely the same. Every time I have sent money to my incarcerated loved one, he’s told me the jail has taken at least half of it. Usually the reason he’s given is for medical (he’s on blood pressure medicine). Such a rip-off. And then I feel guilty, but I can’t afford to send more til the next month, when it happens all over again.
I’m curious where the 4.01 went to?I had enough to get a visit and possibly 2 can you please send me the details of the way it works
Thats not a scam they always take a % of inmates money evem if its cash he came in with it all goes on his books an they take a % for fines et c. it deornds how much but sometimes over half! I agree its bs and punishes poor families, they should be upfront about it (most jails are on their own websites)the 3rd party atm sites its got notthing to do with them, its the jail. The jail can do almost anything they want. Anyway this is just how jail works in usa, its not an illegal scam. Its just a messed up system that punishes the poor like everything else about jail (wont release you if homeless), etc.
It’s a total scam. Costs 10 to load 20. That is highway robbery. Don’t even think about trying to put money on their phone! You would puke if I told you how much it costs to talk to a loved one for 15 minutes. Whom ever would charge such ridiculously high prices for something that is virtually free now days is not only a dirt bag opportunist but furthermore should be criminal. Unless it’s an emergency, I would suggest writing.
Jailatm, as far as I’m concerned is a criminal organization. Avoid. The mail (not their $5 msgs) good ole Snail mail is like sunshine in jail. There is nothing better in the world to a loved one in jail than hearing their name at mail call.
Happening in Colorado jails too. Watch the stores you shop at now. Seems to have extra visits then you actually did
I have NEVER had a single problem with jail.atm and Ive been unfortunate enough to have dealt with them off and on for several years. If u put money then yes they take medical out. When they arrive they are charged $15 for medical check before they put them in a cell. Get them snacks they get hungry. They don’t need “money” they are usually there for a valid reason. No cakes or flowers. So jail.atm is great i say.
I have been charged approx $700.00in unauthorized charges with jail ATM . I’m livid bc they don’t refund *H*T.!!!
I think it was done to me by someone I have known and cared about for 25 years. And it doesn’t bother them a single bit that they keep hurting the people that were there to help them.in my case he had nor has no one else.