Here’s the link! Note that this one includes a $50 statement credit. I gain nothing whatsoever from this link; I’m just passing it along. Be warned: the affiliate link being promoted by many bloggers today does not include the $50 credit.
Thanks to poster alexro in the Fatwallet Financial thread for mentioning this offer. If anybody encounters a better offer, please let me know and I’ll update this page.
Nice find Thanks for posting that
Whew…I was beginning to wonder if you gave up blogging.
Been a perfect storm lately… out-of-town guests, I’m sick, baby’s sick, not much of interest in points/miles the last few weeks.
thanks for the link. Instant approval! I see mommy points and owned up and posted this link as well.
Is the offer good on bussines card too ?
No idea, haven’t read anything about that yet. I’d guess no, but who knows.
Link does not seem to work
When I Click on apply now, it takes me to
Not sure what’s going on, did you enter your United # and see what happens?