You know how every now and then you’ll see a post by some blogger who participated in a marketing research survey and then uses that as a springboard into speculation about the future of a loyalty program? This is one of those posts. Why? Because speculation is fun, that’s why.
I recently participated in an online survey regarding Avios and I’ve attached a few screenshots of said survey below. My guesses as to what’s on the mind of the powers that be:
- There was a focus on grocery spending, so I’m hoping grocery rewards are on the table for the British Airways card.
- I didn’t include all the questions, but there were thirteen questions like the last two of the three below. The goal of these was to rank consumers’ preferences for different redemptions. Note that in question 2 below they’re seeing what I think of two different redemption costs for a short-haul east coast flight, aka the sweet spot of the Avios program. Make of that what you will.
- The survey also tested smaller redemptions–for example, grocery vouchers, airport parking, and wine. Another survey question specifically asked whether I prefer small redemptions like those or more expensive travel redemptions. So presumably expanded redemption options are under consideration as well.
With that said, this may amount to absolutely nothing, so please don’t go out and burn your Avios. If anything, the fact that they’re doing research right now would suggest the opposite since it takes a while to move from research to implementation.
Survey questions to follow… have a great weekend!
Great, now BA has devalued the quantity in a case of wine? Will these airlines stop at nothing?
Ha ha. Good catch.