HOW TO GET TWO FREE HYATT SUITE NIGHTS: Over at Frugal Travel Guy, The Miles Professor tells you how to get two free nights in a suite at any Hyatt anywhere in the world. If you need some inspiration, here are some good ideas (and by “good” we mean “expensive”) for ways to use your two free nights.
Our only quibble with the FTG article is that the author includes a link to the MilesQuest hack that allows you scam gold status out of Hilton by entering a fake credit card number. We’re all for transferring money and vacations from large corporations to ourselves, but this particular trick doesn’t sit right with us, though we suppose it’s debatable. But there are perfectly legitimate (and easy) ways to get gold status with Hilton, namely the Amex Hilton Surpass and the Citi Hilton Reserve, so let’s stick to that.
In any case, the article will tell you exactly how to get two free Hyatt suite nights. Credit card, status match, another credit card, and you’re done!
IT’S WHAT’S FOR DINNER: Pauline over at Reach Financial Independence gives an account of her extra income earned selling livestock. We always love to hear of offbeat (for city-dwellers like us, anyway) ways of making money, and Pauline does not disappoint, giving the numbers for each of the 56 head of cattle. A 38% annual rate of return sounds pretty nice, although we’ll caveat that her boyfriend does own a cattle ranch.

TINY HOUSE UPDATE: We’re suckers for stories of tiny houses, especially ones that people can live in for just $350 per month including utilities. These two happy campers are doing just that, and it’s a big savings from their previous $1,500 per month. The article has pics of the inside if you’re into the whole tiny house thing.

HOW MUCH MONEY DOES DUBAI HAVE?: This much. Yes, that’s a Lamborghini.

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