Yesterday I posted a graph showing a side-by-side comparison of the net rewards earned by the Arrival and the Fidelity Amex. I’ve added a new card so you can test your credit card geekery. What’s the mystery card?
Former blog
By pfdigest
Yesterday I posted a graph showing a side-by-side comparison of the net rewards earned by the Arrival and the Fidelity Amex. I’ve added a new card so you can test your credit card geekery. What’s the mystery card?
HikerT says
Is that on everyday spend? Looks like 5% on the first 5K, then 2%. Sounds too good to be true! Speaking of which, I want this card, lol:
pfdigest says
Yes, every day spend.
pfdigest says
Looks like it’s capped @ $600 Singapore –> $479 USD.
Barry331 says
GM Card
pfdigest says
Ding ding ding ding! I should point out that aegt correctly guessed it on Twitter about one minute after the post went live.
Jonathan says
Unless I’m missing something here the card seems to offer a lousy discount on a new car rather then rewards.
HikerT says
I’ve heard of folks selling their GM points to a third party that is buying a GM vehicle. Doesn’t work on all vehicles either as some are exlcuded. Not really the same as cash back. Similarly for Arrival points. To cash out you need to have travel expense or take the risk of sticking your hand in the refund jar. I apply a 10% haircut to arrival points to reflect the illiquidity so value them closer to 1 cent, not 1.1%.