Just a quick note to remind you that Yard Sale season is upon us, and the queen Mother of all yard sales has got to be the Church yard sale. Bonus points if there is a pancake breakfast or bake sale attached. Craigslist is the best place to find these gems, or you may get lucky and have one on your daily commuting routes. This morning we hit the first of the season and for $33.50, here’s what we got:
Pancake Breakfast for 4
Knex Screaming Serpent Roller Coaster and Electronic Arcade large sets (each is selling USED on Amazon for 40+, original retail was over $100)
a large box of Lego Bionicles including 7 tubs that retailed at $7 each and a bunch of parts
25 books, including a set of Disney Princess hardbacks
2 puzzles (complete, we’ve already done 1)
(Deal Daughter’s fave) a slinky that I can hear walking down my stairs as we speak
Not to mention that we had fun as a family, and the kids now have literally weeks of weekend entertainment! Please share your Church yard sale finds, and have fun on this terrific St. Patrick’s Day!