Are Amazon and Frequent Flyer Program changes similar?

With the latest news out of Amazon and Frequent Flyer Program both changes and programs in general, I can’t help but see the similarities, and I don’t mean that in a positive way. Background This past week, reports started of Amazon requiring sellers to provide receipts and in some cases, pay as much as $1,500…

Airline Load Factors 2002-2013, courtesy of the Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics.

Is Mileage Running dead or just out of favor?

I happened to see a tweet on a (for me) busy Friday afternoon that struck me. The Fadeout of the Mileage Run— George (@FlyerTalkerinA2) September 12, 2014 George tweeted it, but its actually to a New York Times article by Josh Barro. The cliff notes for the article are this – Mileage Runs don’t make…