Last year, Delta introduced a 20 minute guarantee for checked bags, called “Bags on Time” or “Bag-to-Claim Guarantee” (I’m not quite sure, based on the Terms, so lets just go with Delta’s 20 minute guarantee). The concept is very similar to Alaska’s similar guarantee,
The concept is that Delta will have your checked bag to the baggage claim within 20 minutes of the plane door opening at the gate. If they don’t make that happen, then you either get a $25 voucher, or 2,500 SkyMiles (perhaps SkyDrachma’s, nowadays?). You only get one per flight, so if they are late on 3 bags, you still only get a single $25 voucher or the 2,500 SkyMiles. It’s an excellent idea, which I think other airlines should adopt, as it would really enhance the passenger experience.
Well, I came to learn from reader Aaron, is that the guarantee works for gate checked bags, in addition to those checked at check-in. This is cool, because it means, if you are inconvenienced with having to gate check your bag, you still get the guarantee!
Reviewing the terms and conditions, there is no distinction as to where the bag is checked, just that it has to be on a paid flight. so for some, this may not be a big surprise, but I still think it’s interesting.
I hope this little bit of positive news offsets all the pain from yesterday’s no notice devaluation
Have you used Delta’s 20 minute guarantee to get a voucher or SkyMiles?