Swagbucks $25 GCs for 2200 points (including amazon and visa)


Level 2 Member
I'm not sure how long this will last or what the story is behind it, but if you've got a bunch of swagbucks, most of the $25 gift cards are discounted to 2200 points down from 2500. I haven't looked too extensively, because I, unfortunately, have less than 2200 points. But if you do have more, I'd get on those $25 visa gift cards asap. Or amazon if you prefer. Only thing that looks like it's still regular price is PayPal (from a VERY quick glance I took).


Level 2 Member
They switched it a few months ago from 450sb for $5 @ Amazon to 2200sb on a majority with the ones you mentioned being the best value. I've been able to get about $25 a month from swagbucks with not much effort. It's nice for diapers and extras.