Quick Update: JetBlue extends schedule and Southwest flies to Costa Rica



Just a quick update from some notable things over the past few days.

Southwest to fly to Costa Rica from Baltimore/Washington International Airport

Southwest Airlines announced that they will start service from Baltimore/Washington International (BWI) to San Jose, Costa Rica (SJO), starting March 7th. This news from multiple sources, but the one I’m citing is the Dallas Business Journal. I would assume that Southwest might be putting their new 737-800’s on this route, but, I’ll be honest, I can’t find anything specifically saying that they are, and the route is less than 3,000 miles, so I think (but #avgeeks can/should comment if I’m wrong), that any of Southwests “modern” fleet could operate the route (e.g. not the 737-300).

I think I’ve been pretty clear of my thoughts of Southwest – great for direct (and preferably short) flights. Since BWI is about 20 minutes away, I think this is great. But given the choice of comparable airfares, I’ll be flying American, even with a connection, given the distance.

JetBlue extends schedule to June 17, 2015

JetBlue extends schedule to June 17 2015

Joe, nor I have written a whole lot about JetBlue on Tagging Miles, but they are an increasingly prevalent player on the domestic, and near-international market. Often, they are the first that I will recommend to friends and family that don’t fly often, because they are economical and offer a great product.

Perhaps more relevant to our Washington, DC based readers, JetBlue has been expanding its flights from Reagan National (DCA), thanks to American Airlines and US Airways’ slot divestitures.

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