My Evolve Money Confessions

Chasing The Points

Staff member

I want to put this out there. I love and hate you Evolve Money! I like how you help pay my bills without a fee and the ability to pay using cards that I’ve used some manufactured spending techniques and finesse.

You drive me insane, not in the good way, when you decline my payments to my car payments. You are so hot and cold, sometimes you take it, sometimes you reject it. What’s up with that?

I like how you are now accepting Discover card as payments. While I will only receive 1% back, I still do appreciate the new option, but you’ve neutered this ability in a silent way. I am disappointed.

Then you slap me in the face with the search that still needs to be improved.

You win me over when I ask about adding a biller and that has greatly helped in earning some points.

Just as quickly, you turn your back on me when you “enhance” the service by devolving.

All of a sudden, you get all hot and very bothered when you offer free promotional codes with $5 off, who am I to turn away free money?

You get so cold sometimes with messages like this:

That annoys me.

It really annoys me when you reject my card in the same month and you give me that BS reason. So I can’t get a payment in the month.

Stop being so hot and cold! You have these great features, that I like about you, but really, your attitude could use some adjustments.

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