

Staff member
It is critical that if you are to be a member of Level 2 you must remain active here. This is because if we are to create a sharing environment it is only fair that you put in the same effort as others, and this is reflected by how frequently you post. Failure to post on a regular basis will result in your banishment from Level 2.

I've heard variations of the above from both members and admins of fora. I'm committing 'Admin Suicide' and calling poppycock..

The truth is that the owner of a Forum will spout lines like this as fear tactics to keep you posting. Members will say it for other reasons. You see, I myself am often a 'lurker' when it comes to MS and other things. Even here when we have threads on topics that I don't have time to explore, I won't read the thread to take the idea, instead, I will look at all threads from a perspective of 'is the conversation flowing the way I want' (IE is anyone bringing in too much FT-esque vitriol) and is there a general opportunity to warn of stewardship issues (EG how to generally complain, why it is OK to pay a small monthly fee, how to avoid general attention etc).

Ironically, that gets me involved with a lot of threads and products, but frequently I am not an expert at them, I still only vaguely 'get' Evolve. I'm toying with a HELOC now to explore using it, but I haven't fully researched it - despite posting a ton about it. Essentially I am lurking. Others do this too - they can offer advice that is seasoned, they can be nice, they can be active, but it might all be generic advice. In someways this is what a generic steward would do. They'd be offering value, but not on the bleeding edge of a new product.

For me, I have the 'life is too crazy' right now - I really think this is healthy and normal, and slowing down your activity is the right thing to do.

When my schedule opens up, I might see if a new product fits into my plans. However, that is different from chasing every opportunity - and I simply don't do that. I have my capacity. I am opportunistic, so if I encounter something in person, or anywhere online I might look at it briefly and decide whether I am interested or not. I often bring these ideas here to be explored.

Some people view this as leeching, because if they publish about Product X that allows $20K per month, and someone like me doesn't apply for one to test it out, but just waits for a wiki to appear, they are doing all the work. However, big picture, what comes around goes around, and if you put things up people will reciprocate at some point. And more importantly, I might not be waiting for the Wiki at all, I might not ever get this card.

The difference (to me) is that personally I wouldn't drive out to a CVS to read their rack of giftcards, but if I was in CVS I would look at the rack. I'll pick up a card and look to see what is available on the latest version of a Reloadit card, and I will always try to buy a Vanilla Reload with a credit card should I have a spare 3 minutes to be declined.

I feel the lurker argument is saying:

You can't come in to CVS because we are looking harder than you and come here every day.

I think that isn't fair, and also it doesn't meant that these folks are working harder, just that they perhaps are working more frequently, and when I do turn my full attention on finding/examining a gig, I can offer a lot of value. This is how I view the Lurkers. Sure, there are some that might just seek to take and not give back, but there are many more who just have too much crap going on in their lives to be posting every day.

Let's compare that with a person who posts here every single day - super active, but really is it just like a guy who hangs out by the giftcard rack asking silly questions every day?

For those of you who are here every day and building the community I thank you, but please realize that life is a fickle thing, and you may get pressures of work/health/family that pull you away from the forum. I will not think less of you, or call you a 'Lurker' for these reasons.

Remember, this forum is different. For one, people who come here tend to know of MS to a certain degree, and they aren't coming to repost this to sell credit cards on their blogs, as such, I think we need to remember that to be a positive community we should embrace the lurkers - they aren't doing harm, and I am one myself.

It doesn't matter if you lurk providing that you agree to:
  • Don't share outside of the Forum
  • Be civil
I hope that the people who are here most frequently know that I really appreciate them, and enjoy the community here that they are building, I'm simply saying that there are a lot more good people here that might not be as active, for many reasons. I don't think that being less active should mean you can't access the resource that is Level 2, and I think we should also note the difference between being active on a forum, and being active in the community. Remember, this is a place to build relationships and share ideas.


Level 2 Member
Matt I apologize as I've been on daily but barely had enough time to read let alone respond. It's the busiest time of year in my day job and my wife and I are due to have our first child any day now. That has made life extremely hectic but I plan to continue to be an active and contributing member. Please remove the flag on my account and I'll do my best to show my activity and contribute more openly.


Level 2 Member
Epppp, sorry Matt. I replaced my laptop and had never logged into my account yet, sorry about that!

Franklin's Dad

Level 2 Member
Received an email saying my account was flagged for inactivity! I think I have a few posts at this point (including one this morning before I received the email) but I'll promise to do better!

David G

Level 2 Member
I'd like to stay active as well, and remain a Level 2 member. I have contributed here and there, but only post when I feel like I can really add something. I've been quite busy at work, and we are about to have a new baby girl in 1.5 weeks, so that's been keeping me busy. I think it's good to keep "lurkers" around because honestly, not everyone is going to have something to say all the time. However, sometimes there will be times when we can contribute something. At the very least, I've been very civil in the discussions, and certainly keep the confidentiality of everything I've read in the forum.


Level 2 Member
I got no good excuse, I need to post more out in the open instead of just replying to my inbox messages, sorry :(


Level 2 Member
Sorry Matt, I haven't posted on Saverocity forums, I apologize. Have a great weekend everyone.


Level 2 Member
Dear Mel,

Your account at the Forum has been flagged for termination due to lack of activity.

Dear Matt, I interlop when I can and have something to contribute. I posted several times regarding the OM GC deal from Black Friday weekend. I'm not sure what level of activity you expect.
I could post garbage just to make me look active but I appreciate the quality of the conversation and would like to keep it at a better level than that of other forums.



Level 2 Member

Wife just had a baby last week so obviously I barely have time to wash myself nevermind wander around the forum like I used to. Once we get into a better routine, I'll be as active as before.


Level 2.5 MSer
Looks like I've been flagged. My apologies. Were currently in NYC since thanksgiving thanks to MS efforts over the last year :)


Level 2 Member
hey matt, been traveling and now dealing with some family issues. i'll try to post more.


Level 2 Member
Hi there - I have been flagged too. Had a busy time of late with family and not much online time... promise to do better! Please can you reinstate my level 2 access?

I thought the point of this forum was about Quality debate, not just waffling nonsense which is what Flyertalk has become.

Of course, if you want me to ramble on, I can talk for England!


Level 2 Member
Like what Mel said, I don't think myself as a lurker. I'm not sure what has been the basis. But, I'm surprised to get this email.

sheesh mack

Level 2 Member
sorry matt, i've been traveling the last 3 weeks so i've not gotten a chance to post. i'll definitely be more active


Level 2 Member

I don't know what metric the bot used but I sincerely think that I have been more active than would count as a lurker. What did I miss?


Level 2 Member
Erm... the dog ate my homework? been super busy? haven't actually been able to make the time to get my groove with The Forum? Actually, the last one is closest to true. When I come here - not as often as I'd like - I always say, "Gotta soak it in and there figure out where I can add something." But then I run out of time. I'd like to think I'll be able to do that in the coming weeks. I hope that works for all....


Level 2 Member
Matt - As some of the users above have said, my goal is to contribute meaningful thoughts to discussions, and not "garbage" for the purposes of posting volume. I don't necessarily want to repeat something that's been said previously just to repeat things. I've posted in both level 2 and general forums. Further, the last few weeks have been very busy with US Thanksgiving and work-related travel. That said, I'd like to remain active as well.


Level 2 Member
What sriki said. I have about 70 posts, about a third of them got positive ratings, and I have 18 points, whatever than means. I just posted something on the credit card forum a few days ago that someone rated "informative." Really surprised to get the email.

Millennium Flyer

Level 2 Member
Hi Matt...

My account has been flagged. I promise to do better. I've attended both Saverocity DOs and would very much like to be an active member of the community.


Level 2 Member
My inactivity was a temporary thing. I have been traveling out of the country and just returned home today. Id like to retain my current status, thanks!


New Member
My apologies, I have been consistently out of the country for business for the last couple months and like a few others above have posted...I only log on when I have something positive to contribute...I don't log on just merely to take advantage of what other people post or talk about. I will be back in the next few weeks and I can guarantee you will see more activity from me.

Thank you.


Your order has been approved
Hey Matt -

Thanks for running a great forum. I appreciate the countless hours you put in. There will always be people who think they know how to run it better...but I think you do a damn fine job!
Last edited:


Level 2 Member
Hi Matt,
I got your email about being removed from the forum. I would like to stay. At first I didn't post much as I was reading lots of info. I didn't want to post something that had already been covered.

I have started two new treads this last week. One being holiday deals and the other regarding bill pay issues.

I've tried to contribute where I can to be an assest to the community. Thanks for the consideration.


Level 2 Member
I'm taking it my post was TL/DR, and therefore everyone thinks they are getting deleted?
That, and the email that stated that, "Your account at the Forum has been flagged for termination due to lack of activity. " ...


Level 2 Member
Flagged...been super busy...will make more of an effort to post as time off approaches..


Level 2 Member
Matt - I was very confused by your post, it didn't really mean deletion of accounts, but the e-mail we received did. Based on your post, I would consider myself "active", but the e-mail sent by the bot said "flagged for termination" so I think many people feel that they need to post something there to prevent that.


Level 2 Member
I'm taking it my post was TL/DR, and therefore everyone thinks they are getting deleted?
I don't tginj I'm getting deleted. But, it was tldr though. But, I read it. Painfully long for a Saturday morning.