ICYMI – This week was New York’s greatest plane spotting week of the year.



The Republic of The Gambia’s Ilyshin Il-62 courtesy of Jason Rabinowitz @AirlineFlyer (https://twitter.com/AirlineFlyer/status/514115167836463104)

I’m late in posting this, primarily because my eyes have been glued to Twitter and forums like this. But let me get to the crux of the matter.

The General Debate of the United Nations (UN) General Assembly is a time when world leaders are offered the opportunity to address the body of the UN. NYC Aviation explains this week succinctly:

This event is more commonly known as the ‘General Assembly’ (which actually refers to the body of diplomats and the year-long session) or UN Week

They further go on to explain why it is so important for plane spotting in New York:

There is a tremendously wide variety of aircraft that are seen during UN Week.

You can check out a good smattering of photos at NYC Aviation’s Forums, @AirlineFlyer’s Flickr, or just by searching #UNGA2014 (but fair warning – you may get other non-#avgeek tweets).

There are some aircraft that I’ve not really seen before, including IL-62’s, an A310, TU-154, as well as Iraqi, Irani, and a number of other interesting aircraft. The Congo 707 made an appearance too (although I’m not aware of any photos).

This is a quick post with a whole lot of links external for a reason. Others have much cooler photos – take a look and enjoy!

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