I took a break from earning and burning – and the world didn’t end


Staff member

If you’re a regular listener to the Saverocity Observation Deck podcast (if not, check it out!), you probably know that I’ve been pretty busy preparing for some major life changes. Because of that, I ended up taking a break from earning and burning miles, points, cash back, everything (!) for a few weeks. Usually the only time I do that is when I’m on vacation, though like Trevor (who is GALLAVANTING), I do sometimes feel a tinge of regret when I’m vacationing and not earning.

Still, this little post will serve to grease my wheels for takeoff (writing again) while expressing this point: my world kept spinning, quite decently actually, even though I didn’t earn any miles or plan any trips! In fact, it was nice to take a little break and live vicariously through others via Twitter. The reality is, I was mostly spending time at Target to manufactured spend and while that’s still viable, I’ve just been so busy that once dark days began I let my routines fall by the wayside a bit.

And that’s okay. A bunch of deals have come and gone over the past few weeks, but I just couldn’t summon up the energy to pounce on them. I think part of it is I know I’m not going to be seriously traveling for awhile, and another part is I just needed the break.

Anyway, I kind of felt compelled to write this because I saw a lot of “SIGN UP FOR DELTA AMEX BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE!” posts today. While I personally think the 50K bonuses are great deals in this day and age, it’s all a little too alarmist for my tastes. If there’s one thing I’ve learned, while earning and burning on a regular basis is great, the reality is, deals come and go all the time and nobody should ever feel pressured into one just because everyone on Twitter is doing it. If you miss a deal, another one is just around the corner – patience is fine in this game as it is in life. Just my two cents.

I’ll be back out there earning and burning in no time (aka next week), but the world hasn’t ended since I’ve taken a break. I’m sure some people think I must be crazy for doing this, but hey – to each their own!

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