Charles the Siamese won't be quiet.


Level 2 Member
My Siamese cat, Charles, (see photo), will not stop meowing obnoxiously.

It's not just a meow, it's more like a high pitched shriek that just cuts into your brain immediately causing you to lose focus on the task you are doing.

I scream "Charles, STOP" but then all he does is run over to me while going "meow meow meow meow meow" as if acknowledging his name. I'm thinking of spraying him in the face with a bottle each if he doesn't shut up.

He does it as soon as I get in bed, and gets up at 5am to start the meowing for the next hour until I wake up. Thinking he was bored, I adopted (was forced/coerced) into allowing my girlfriend's cat to live with Charles and I.

She doesn't talk and she pushes Charles around, jumps on him, etc. Charles is such a sissy he just puts up with it or runs under the bed. It's pathetic, I didn't raise him like that.

So, does anyone know how to get Charles to stop screaming?

Attached photos of Charles.



Level 2 Member
lmao...way better off-topic than what we had a few days ago...I will ask an acquittance who has two cats for advise and report back if I have anything.


Charles in charge. You're just his human slave. Get used to it.


Level 2 Member
Ah yes, the Siamese. As an "owner" of one myself, the only thing that works is constant attention. If you're not prepared for a "needy" breed, then he'll probably not work out.

I would highly recommend that you read John Bradshaw's "Cat Sense" to get some perspective on who you're dealing with. The introduction of another cat into his territory is definitely not helping things, as you've essentially betrayed the bond.

Did the amount of incessant vocalization occur after the introduction of the other cat? The 5 AM wakeup call is somewhat normal (my Siamese will only make it to 4 AM before waking everyone up).