Amenity Kit Repurposing for Parents




Lufthansa’s current first class amenity kit bag can double as a tablet holder

Here’s something pretty clever my wife came up with that I’m sure others have thought of. Yesterday, we somehow left the house and drove half an hour before we realized we had completely forgotten our diaper bag. Oops. Luckily we were with friends who lent us some diapers, but that’s a situation we didn’t want to be caught in again.

The stuff inside doesn’t really matter too much

We decided to leave “emergency” diaper bags in our cars – but the question was what to put them in? Well, our recent trip to Europe has left us with four amenity kits and four sets of pajamas, each with bags. If you travel international business class a lot, these amenity kits start piling up. I’d turn them away but I find I always need one thing on them (usually that I forgot). Like this time, I forgot my toothbrush so the amenity kit came in handy.

Why not make the amenity kit useful? Diapers and wipes go in…

Anyway, I guess even Lufthansa has figured out that these amenity kits can be wasteful. They told us our kit could double as a tablet case, which is true. More importantly, there was a smaller bag inside that is perfectly sized to be an emergency diaper bag. So we took one of the amenity kits, the bag that held Jess’ pajamas and the bag that held mine, and made three emergency diaper bags! One for each of our cars and a spare, two diapers and some wipes in each.

Voila. Amenity kits => diaper bags!

Pretty simple, but this is the most use we’ve gotten out of an amenity kit for a long time. Between this and letting Little M play with them (she likes to take everything out and put it back in), amenity kits are definitely on the upswing in this household!

Anyone else have alternate uses for amenity kits?

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