3-17-15 A Sears Mega Portal Bonus (8x) Arrives! Now what the #$%%# to buy?


Level 2 Member

For weeks you’ve probably heard me whining about the lack of mega portal bonuses.

Sure things started heating up this week, and now it’s here

8x Portal Bonus at Sears through United Mileage Plus Shopping!

And just by the simple act of first reloading gift cards, then going back to purchase something, and assuming you get at least 1 mile/point on your credit card, you can get

17x Portal Bonus at Sears through United Mileage Plus Shopping!

Only one problem..

There is virtually nothing to buy at Sears. Unfortunately Sears.com is like a wasteland. like this

Ok,, yes, that’s a Walmart, and yes it was in the UK, but you get the picture (I have limited staff here!)

Try finding a PS4, or Xbox One. What happened to the Video Games hot deals – its all 3rd party sellers. Is the end nigh?

So this time I can’t tell you what to buy… maybe a Ninja blender… maybe some cordless phones.. maybe find something worthwhile with stacking some coupons or something. These are small singles, not scalable… but can peck away at a card balance..

Or maybe just reload now and wait for something better…

United shopping portal terms and conditions still say gift cards purchased after June 1, 2014 are eligible for the portal bonus.

Look, you are locking in 8x plus something… maybe 4x, maybe you get lucky and find something while its still 8x

Do you have the faith to buy Sears gift cards?

Will you be holding Sears gift cards when they eventually go under?

Oh, United also has Staples gift cards for 6x bonus

Maybe that’s the ticket…

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