Lonely Planet guides on sale for 48hrs


Staff member
Could you tell me more about what a "digital chapter" means. Is that price by book? Are these for loading on kindle or directly to iPad? When Kindle first came out I loaded some travel guides onto it and I found them less practical to use than the actualy books as it is hard to find what you are looking for in that format. Have you used these? Are they user friendly?


Level 2 Member
The price is by the chapter - $1 each. I just bought 10 chapters from a variety of Lonely Planet guides. Locate the geographic area you want. Then click on a guidebook. Then, just click on the chapters option and the site will provide a list of chapters in that book. You then select the exact chapter you want, at $1 a pop. You are buying PDFs, and each file can be downloaded a total of 5 times. I haven't attempted that yet but plan to try to download to my laptop, my husband's laptop and my ipad. We'll see if that works.
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