Introduce yourself here!


Level 2 Member
Hey there, my name is Matt and I'm from Texas! The wife and I are planning on trying to travel around the world for a year and are looking for great ways to make this happen with flight miles and such. If you have any advice it would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!


Staff member
Hi Guys,

Nice to meet you all, and welcome to the forum. I hope that you have had chance to read my thoughts on where we are heading with things, if not please take a moment to see this post on the direction I want to go with the Forum

You can PM me questions by using the "Start a Conversation" feature (click on my name below Avatar)



Level 2 Member
Hi all, I am PedroNY, I live in NJ, used to live in NY, I been enjoying this hobby for many years now.




Level 2 Member
Hello! I'm DC-based (for now) and got into mileage running, manufactured spending, credit card stuff about three years ago. I've been flying for status coming on 20 years now.

Like tly, I would like to know more about the levels for the forum. I've also been trying in vain to understand fuel dumping for two years now and the FT people aren't helpful at all because of the paranoia.


Level 2 Member
I'm bg85 from AL. My progression has been: work travel led to miles/points accumulation which led to cash back accumulation which led to manufactured spending and indirectly investing in general. All of which are covered by Saverocity so thats how I made it to this forum.


Level 2.5 MSer
My name's Jorge, and I'm a MS addict. Between multiple stays at Disney, an upcoming NYC trip, and a cruise next year, it's been a fun ride MSing.


New Member
Hey everyone, I'm Kylash a third year college student currently residing in NYC. I've been a Saverocity reader for several months now. As a finance major I have always been interested in seeking out innovative ways to get the best return on my investments whether they be in the markets or other areas of life. I got introduced to travel hacking and the points/miles game a little over a year ago when searching for better credit cards to put expenses for my amazon business on (I cringe now thinking of those two or so years when I thought 1% cash back was a good deal). My knowledge and skill set for MS has grown tremendously over the past few months but I know I still have a lot to learn.

Dave D

New Member
Hi everyone!
I'm Dave from Austin, Tx. I've been traveling a bunch the last two years and look forward to keeping it going. Look forward to learning and sharing with all of you all too.


Level 2 Member
Hello all, CJ from Alabama. I've done all the easy MS (Amzn pymts, Serv, HomeImprovement cards, gift cards, etc) but might like to branch out. For me, finding the most efficient method of utilizing these miles to great destinations is more difficult than the accumulation of miles. Followed Matt for awhile now on Twitter so looking forward to learning and sharing in this forum.


Level 2 Member
Hello all, from LA CA. I have been doing some light MS just like alot of people here, but am looking for new techniques! saw this site on google and am interested!


Level 2 Member
Good morning, everyone! Suzie here from Greater Philly area, originally from the midwest. I love international travel and being able to "afford" my hobby! Looking forward to learning and sharing with all of you.


Level 2 Member
Hey there, my name is Bret and I am interested in most aspects of money management, mostly the spending side of things. I look forward to gaining insight from this forum, and hopefully adding some of my own.


New Member

I am from Northern Va area and have only been into miles and points for about a year. Now that my son is getting older it seems like a good time to more travel. Have gone to New Orleans and San Francisco on points (along with smaller long weekend trips). Looking forward to our first international venture. Right now only do light MS. Enjoy the articles and I joined due the friendlier environment and community spirit than exists on FT and elsewhere. Thanks!!


Level 2 Member
Choochmac, I am in NOVA as well. Honestly I did not even know that MS existed until today and it sounds like a lot of fun.


Level 2 Member
Hey all, I'm Paul, or thepaul500 on this and other forums. Quite active in MS with more points then time and actively trying to learn fuel dumps just for fun.


Level 2 Member

Relatively new to the miles game. My wife and I want our son (and future children) to see the world. That is the main motivation for jumping into this and now we are addicted. I have lurked on other forums for some time, but now I want to start contributing and asking questions. I figured this would be a better place to join the conversation.



Level 2 Member
Hi everyone. Steve from Florida. I work in the travel industry and on the side enjoy exploring churning and MS to help fund our personal family travel.


New Member
Hello, I'm Kevin from NC. I travel a lot, enjoy the mileage game & maximizing my returns from travel providers but am wanting to step up my MS returns. Looking forward to sharing & learning information with everyone.


Staff member
Welcome guys, I look forward to seeing you around the forum, and feel free to reach out to me via the PM system (start a conversation near my Avatar image) with any questions you might have. Cheers, Matt


Level 2 Member
Hi everyone- I'm Shasha. I'm in the SF Bay Area, and have been involved in the MS game for about a year. I'm mostly focused on discovering my own methods and strategies rather than using the ones that have already been posted by bloggers. Looking forward to participating in this community and sharing knowledge.


Level 2 Member
Hi--Jill here.... based in TPA, playing the game for a while now (back to the Mint days)... For me, it's a definitely a great hobby.... best redemptions include flying my family to Italy for my wedding (6 biz seats on the same flight....thanks to hoarding from a couple of US Airways grand slams!) and the BA/LAN unlimited stopovers deal (MIA-LIM-CUZ-LIM-IPC-SCL-MIA). Looking forward to sharing tips and tricks!


Level 2 Member
Hi, I'm Michelle from SLC. I'm a newbie of six months or so, but I have two businesses that generate a good bit of expenses, so miles and points are starting to add up. I've already made a few dumb mistakes, and scored a few big deals. I really like Milenomics' idea of balance and finding your own best miles/points earning strategies. Lurking about FT has made me gun shy about ever posting there, but it would be great to share ideas with a group without getting flamed or judged


Level 2 Member
Hi, I'm Matt and I live in the DC/MD/VA area. Been collecting points/miles for about a year but really MSing in the last few months.


Level 2 Member
Hi I am Kate, I live in Chicago. Have been wanting to get started in the frequent flyer mile game for a while but needed to pay off some student loans first. Finally feel like I am financially able to start but am super overwhelmed by everything and want to make sure I can hit the minimum spends for everything. Main goals are to go to Australia and South Africa. So hopefully I will make some friends and pick up some good starting points and information here.


New Member
Howdy gang! Im Nick from the Charlotte area. This is one of my favorite hobbies yet! Since my free Disneyland trip I've been hooked. I hope to continue gaining insight throughout the future. Thanks!