Just heard from a member of the forum that his clerk informed him all cash on OVs from 5/31.
This could be isolated to the store, the clerk being a weirdo, or nationwide.
I know it will be hard to do, but don’t panic. It might not be true. Just go about your business as usual, and make sure you make some good purchases before 5/31 rather than wait.
Do not ask if they are going cash only
Bringing attention to this will only cause harm, don’t make a rumor into a reality.
Related reading: no problem is a problem
Good luck, keep calm and carry on!
Good looking out, I’ll be sure to hit up the local joints to get some more cards before the “deadline”.
No worries, play it cool as it may be nothing and we don’t want to make an issue.
Hopefully everyone plays it cool or at least waits for more data points for making a mad rush and swamping SeeVee, ensuring that it gets a whole lot of un-needed attention.
Who am I kidding? I fully expect there to be no OV on the shelfs beyond Saturday.
Friend in Colorado says now cash only. No problems or mention to me on my run in Michigan.
This has been the case for my store in PA since the beginning of May. Three clerks in that particular store refused to even try. They refer me to a recent memo that OV are cash only. They looked up the memo in front of me and confirmed the cash only policy. But I never was given the chance to see the actual memo.
I thought they were mistaken the VR with OV. But after 3 of them, I just gave up. Have not had chance to check other local stores yet.
On a side note, that store never had VR in stock until the VR memo was out. It was cruel to see a big fat stack of VRs on the used-to-always-be-empty shelves but you can not buy any.
Ha – good luck! Hope you find something that works soon!
So far so good in OHIO
As far as timezones go, unless you guys in Ohio are 2 days ahead then I should hope so 🙂
Ok let me try this again. Please Buddha,God,Vishnu,Satan, don’t let this be the end.
The store manager at the CVS I frequent mentioned this to me the other day when I was purchasing OV’s. Back in March, he was also the one who showed me the memo he received about CVS going cash only for VR’s.
I buy them everywhere so feel sorry for the peeps who depend on SeeVee, I havent been to SeeVee since the demise of VR. I just take my biz elsewhere 🙂 where they love my cc.
Hey Mel from Michigan. Next time you talk to your friend in Colorado,ask him where he knows of a See-Vee in this state. Been here for 38 yrs and haven’t seen one yet.
I just bought, June 1 2k OV from CVS no problem, Can we tell the doomsayers without ocular or printed proof to stop posting/sending emails to others nonsense rumors!!!! When it ends it ends.
I’m glad it’s still alive, but id rather send out a note like this just in case. Of course, if people react stupidly then doing so causes harm- which is why I try to focus on ‘don’t ask any questions’
No problem at my CV in West Chicago land. 🙂 I bought one today.
Glad to hear it!
No issues today at my ATL local. Even processed by a “Supervisor”.
Very good to hear- long may they continue!