It’s April 1st, but this is no joke, if you were on the fence about joining us in Charlotte on May 10th today is the final day to buy your tickets. Attendance in the event has exceeded expectations, and despite having the option to fit more people into the space we have booked, we want to keep the numbers lower in order to help the dynamic be warm and friendly, and don’t want to lose too many people in the crowds, we collectively agree that finding the right ‘feeling’ for the event is more important than making a profit from ticket sales.
Ticket Sales will close at Midnight, Eastern Time, tonight!
To give you an idea of the numbers, we currently have around 80 people coming, from a variety of backgrounds and experience levels, from complete novices to deeply experienced old timers, and everything in between. Additionally, we have confirmed the following guest speakers/or VIPs, some will be presenting in the seminar section of the event, whereas others will just be there mingling and sharing experiences:
- Frequent Miler
- The Miles Professor
- MilesAbound
- Marathon Man
- The Freequent Flyer
- Bengali Miles Guru
- Saverocity
There are a number of other bloggers and well known folk from the ‘game’ attending, some may give talks, some may require bribing with booze…
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I attend if I am a beginner or newbie?
Yes, absolutely. This event does bring together some of the most experienced people in the field, but more than that it brings together a group of decent, helpful people who want to enjoy the opportunity to meet new people in the space. I personally want to meet new players in the space and dedicate time to helping you get to the next level, even if that person hasn’t ever earned a single credit card point before.
If I attend will you share all the secrets to manufactured spend?
No. This is still a relationship based activity, by attending you will certainly get some new ideas, but I cannot promise that everyone will give away the keys to the kingdom, but I can guarantee that there will a depth of experience and a slew of information for all levels available. Some may come in the form of the formal presentations, but more always comes when chatting directly, which is why we have included lunch and cocktails to ‘network’ and share ideas, you may find that forming relationships, exchanging contact information and making new friends in the space is the most valuable thing you can take from this.
I’m not a ‘networker’ what can I do?
I hear you, I hate networking myself, and whenever I attend such events I am often a wallflower, many people will feel the same as you, so try not to worry too much, and chat as much as you feel comfortable with. There will be a decent amount of “Speakers” and “Players” from milemadness attending, and they are only there to meet you, so feel free to grab any of us and say hi, and if you see me being a wallflower come over and introduce yourself!
So many people on forums seem angry or mean, will they be there?
No. If you are angry or mean, or generally an asshole, this event isn’t for you. Please send me an email and I will refund your ticket, the event is intended to be light hearted, casual fun, and not an opportunity for people to act like they do on forums or in the comments of a blog post. I only want good people there, if you are unsure if you are an asshole or not, please see the chart below.
What if I am not interested in Manufactured Spending, can I still come?
Absolutely, this is only one aspect of the much bigger picture, if you want to come along and ask your favorite blogger about tips on how to use your miles better, or talk about retirement accounts, or anything that you have seen on one of our sites and want to discuss, come along and hang out, we love to talk about ideas far and beyond this topic.
Take the “Am I An Asshole” Challenge
I hope that this post conveyed the right message, we are looking for a fun event, where people will be comfortable meeting new friends and having a good time, this is regardless of skill level or experience – we all started somewhere, and truth be told, I myself am far from a pro at this, so if you are on the fence, I hope that this convinced you one way or the other about joining us, and you have til Midnight tonight here in NYC to buy tickets. I look forward to seeing you in CLT, providing you passed the challenge above of course!
The Other Carl says
Too funny! Thankfully I passed the test, so I’ll see you in Charlotte next month!
Matt says
Phew! Glad to hear it!
Elaine says
Great orientation to what we can expect, confirming my decision to attend. You’ll be glad to know you don’t come across as a wallflower online. But you probably know that!
Shout out to Sam of Milenomics – hope you are attending!
Shrek says
Funny!. Your asshole detector has a loop that keeps on rotating and doesn’t go to any conclusion 🙂
Matt says
It is intended to keep you busy until the ticket sales time out just in case you are borderline asshole status
Narayana S says
Can I please get a ticket? I was a day late. Please let me know if somehow you can sell me a ticket.
– narayana
Mrs338 says
Please let me know if you have a ticket to sell, I opted to try to attend (late). Thanks!
Matt says
I’ve put you in a standby list, if one opens up I’ll be in touch!