Wanting to See Mayan Sites in the Yucatan - Questions


Level 2 Member
Hey gang. Long time, eh?

So it wasn't how I originally planned, but I've acquired another SW companion pass. Not the full pass, but the till-March special. Way before then I'll extend that to end of next year. We'll use it domestically, but I sure would like to throw in some kind of international travel next year. Even if it is "just" Mexico. Honestly? I've not yet been to Mexico, so that makes the idea even better. I have seen Mayan sites in Belize and Guatemala, but the Yucatan seems to have a large assortment with a couple that are on my trough list (list too big for a bucket :)).

And SW flies to Cancun and Cozumel. Unfortunately not to Mexico City, but that's a separate mission.

My wife believes Mexico is just unsafe, period. Past news reports, even if older now, are still in her mind. And hey, it always pays to be safe and do your research.

If we fly to Cancun (one city or the other), is lodging outside of one of the snotty resorts a safe bet?

I'm not sure I want to drive in Mexico (but I'm open to opinions) ... I'm ok finding a private dedicated driver or talking a small-audience packaged tour.

Who's done such a trip and can offer up some tips? Safety is the major concern, both with just being a tourist all over the area and then, secondarily, regarding the option to self drive via rental car. Anyone?

Thanks in advance. I reserve the right to reply to myself in case no other replies show up. I just don't know how many others are still tuned in.


Level 2 Member
Me again. So I guess, just because SW flies there, it doesn't necessarily mean it's the best option. I have a love/hate relationship with SW. I've learned to make use of them, often to great personal benefit (note: companion pass!). At other times, their schedules are far from convenient.

My idea was to do our (wife and I) typical visit to Orlando, FL for a 1-2 day convention in Jan. Then we'd fly to the Cancun area for a week or so.

Nonstops (er, one NS a day) to Cancun seem to be available from Ft Lauderdale, but from MCO it's a 2 stop process. Which might be ok. But I will also have to consider other airlines.

What about the Mexico City area? I'd love to see Teotihuacan.

Josh F

Level 2 Member
Charity Forum Mod
We've done a few trips to Cancun and stayed in several different areas. We have always stayed in snotty hotels - but not always All-Inclusive. When we do an AI, we pretty much just stay at the resort (it's what you're paying for). But when we stay at a non-AI we do travel around quite a bit. We went into actual Cancun nightly for dinner and rented a car and did a trip one day to Chichen Itza/Cenote one day and Tulum/some other city nearby a different day. If you plan on renting a car be prepared for what you're going to do if/when you get pulled over and get a "ticket" (la mordida). In terms of safety - I feel safe being aware of my surroundings, not staying out too late, minding my own business, and having a plan. I think if you want to be 'safer' than sticking to resorts and small tours if you venture outside would be the way. Overall Cancun is still very safe for tourists and while there are incidents - the odds are quite low for the number of travelers who go there - but it's obviously not a 100% guarantee.

Had a trip planned to MEX - but it never happened. Seemed to be ok in my book as long as long as you kept an eye on where in the city you were and didn't hang out late at night.


Level 2 Member
Did Cancun a couple years ago. Stayed at Hyatt Zilara. Set up transfer to the hotel ahead of time with a company recommended on flyertalk. Airport and finding rides is a chaotic scene even with prearranged transfer. I'd rent a car just about anywhere, but thankful for the ride this time. We only left the hotel to walk across the street to a restaurant. Hotel was great for the two nights we were there.

Didn't do anything else that would answer any of your questions though. :)


Level 2 Member
Thanks for chiming in guys. I think I will go ahead and work out a plan for early next year (Jan). I still need to talk my wife into it tho. She is completely stuck on Florida (Naples) and, to me, there are far more interesting places to see.

Not familiar with traffic tickets in Mexico ... haven't really heard anything or at least paid attention. I assume they prefer rental cars? Will read up to see what the deal is. I don't mind driving outside the US, but when there is the potential for a huge language barrier or driving adventure (Peru, Vietnam and others) I've found it less stressful to find a private driver or sign up for a tour (I like ones where you can customize it).

Josh F nailed it tho. Chicken Itza is high on my wanna see list, Tulum to a lesser extend but the whole peninsula is dotted with sites.

Will save Mexico City and Teotihuacan for a non-SW-CP year. Will research private drivers/tours in the area along with workable places to stay.


Silver Member
I am absolutely itching to travel again! There are so many places on my bucket list just waiting to be explored. Now that I've started using https://domypaper.com/, I'm hopeful that with the extra time saved from managing my academic workload more efficiently, I'll finally have the opportunity to turn those travel dreams into reality. Whether it's wandering through bustling cities, trekking across serene landscapes, or immersing myself in different cultures, I can't wait to embark on new adventures and create unforgettable memories. With the support of DoMyPaper, I'm optimistic that I'll soon be ticking off destinations from my wanderlust wish list.


New Member
That's a fantastic attitude! Travel itch definitely sounds contagious – your enthusiasm makes me want to dust off my passport too. Using a resource like to streamline your academic work is a brilliant strategy. Freeing up that extra time means more for the things you truly love, like exploring new corners of the world.


New Member
That's a fantastic attitude! Travel itch definitely sounds contagious – your enthusiasm makes me want to dust off my passport too. Using a resource like to streamline your academic work is a brilliant strategy. Freeing up that extra time means more for the things you truly love, like exploring new corners of the world.Це фантастичне ставлення! Свербіж під час подорожей, безумовно, звучить заразно – ваш ентузіазм змушує мене також змахнути пил з паспорта. Використання такого ресурсу, як для оптимізації вашої академічної роботи, є блискучою стратегією. Вивільнення цього додаткового часу означає більше для речей, які ви справді любите, наприклад, для дослідження нових куточків світу.